Spotlight: Zack Travis

Jake Nolan
Five & Done
Published in
5 min readFeb 13, 2020


Senior Art Director, to Infinity & Beyond…

Spotlights are a chance to take a look behind the curtain and catch a glimpse into the lives of those who make working at Five & Done strange, challenging, and enormously rewarding.

In the latest edition of Five & Done Spotlight we cornered Zack Travis, an Art Director and member of our social media team in Orange County. Zack joined the Five & Done fam in the summer of 2018. A native Oregano… (Oregon-O…Oregonian…oh, whatever…) Zack moved to San Diego for school and has been a SoCal resident ever since. When Zack’s not designing cool things, he’s spending his free time outdoors, shouting about sports, or playing the “Rocky” soundtrack at full volume. To the man who needs no introduction (yet, here we are…) Zack Travis!

Q: As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
When I was in kindergarten they had a city-wide contest for kids to draw what they wanted to be when they grew up. I drew a scientist and won the contest…and that’s how I knew I wanted to be an artist.

Q: What music gets you in the zone?
Any song from the “Rocky” movies. That’s not a joke either, I listen to it too much.

Q: Tell The story of your first day at Five & Done:
We had a BBQ outside on my first day, and I did not know who to talk to. I remember I felt bad that I didn’t bring a dish. Also, somehow within my first two months we had 2 people faint. I remember thinking, “what kind of place is this exactly?”

Q: Who are your top 3 heroes (real or fictional)?
My parents (they count as one, okay), my grandpa, and Buzz Lightyear. He’s my favorite character of all time.

Q: Who’s your favorite Power Ranger?
The Black Ranger Zack, of course. I’m pretty sure I dressed up as him one Halloween.

Q: Describe your dream project:
: It would be something to do with sports and philanthropy at the same time. For example there’s a company called “Super Heroic.” They make athletic superhero sneakers for kids to encourage them to get outside, play and be empowered like superheroes. The NFL does one called, “My Cleats, My Cause.” They’re custom cleats to raise awareness for specific causes and charity organizations.

Q: What is something that are irrationally afraid of and why?
Heights, but that’s not that cool of an answer. So I’m going with ventriloquist dummies, probably stems from that Goosebumps book with “Slappy” in it.

Q: If you could time travel WHEN would you go to?
I’d probably go to the future rather than the past. It’d be really interesting to talk to my great grandkids.

Q: What 3 famous people, living or dead would you invite to a dinner party?
I’ve always wanted to meet Bear Grylls. I recently went to the Ronald Reagan Museum and that was really interesting. So I’m going Bear Grylls, Ronald Regan, and Walt Disney.

Q: What are you really bad at, but enjoy doing anyway?
Zack: ……

Q: What is a super power you would NOT want?
Jubilee’s power of fireworks shooting out of your fingertips. That’s a really lame one… except for one day of the year! *ba-da-dum-tsshhhh*

Q: What’s the strangest thing you have on your desk?
Kelsey got me a Hot Wheels “Pizza Planet” truck from Toy Story for Christmas. She got it because it’s half based off a Toyota truck, and obviously it’s Toy Story. Toy Story had a huge impact on me and I work on Toyota so it’s kinda fun.

Q: If you weren’t doing design what do you think you’d be doing instead?
I almost went into architecture. I was shadowing for a job and the architect told me all about the different rules and ordinances I would have to follow, and that wasn’t for me. If I wasn’t doing drafting or design I’d probably be a firefighter like my dad.

Q: What was cool when you were a kid, but is NOT cool now?
Pretty much everything I was into as a kid isn’t cool now, but yo-yo’s for sure. I went through a lot of phases like the yo-yo phase and a magic phase (magic like a magician, not like “Magic the Gathering”).

Q: What are you proud of, but you never really get to talk about?
Zack: I worked with kids a lot. I got to do summer camps, outdoor camps, sports camps. I really enjoyed the impact of that. My summer after senior year of college I got to work at an outdoor adventure camp for middle school and high school kids. We did rafting, hiking, horseback riding, things like that.

Q: What movie quote do you overuse?
Zack: I use Seinfeld quotes more than any movie quotes.

Q: If we dropped you on a snowy mountaintop, how long would you survive?
The rest of my life! But no, I really would make it back to civilization all because of Bear Grylls.

Q: If you could be any animal in the world, what animal would you be and why?
A Manta Ray! I was snorkeling in Costa Rica one time and they kept talking about this Ray that had been out in that area all day. I was swimming around in the middle of the ocean and I turn around right and it’s right behind me. I watched it glide perfectly and disappear into the darkness, it was incredible.

Q: Tell me a joke!
How come when a Pterodactyl goes to the bathroom it doesn’t make any noise? It’s because the “P” is silent.

Q: What show are you binging right now?
I just finished Mandalorian, I binged it hard, it was SO good.

If you liked this article, check out the rest of our feed at If you just like Zack, you can peep his work at AND lurk his Instagram @ZackTravis.



Jake Nolan
Five & Done

Solving problems, both visual and galactic. Team Five & Done. Philomath.