FIVE #11

Your weekly dose of digital snacks

Christian Hertlein
FIVE Collection
2 min readNov 8, 2015


Guggenheim Online Exhibition
Many museums tried to bridge between offline and online. Getting people interested and giving them the opportunity to explore exhibitions from everywhere was not solved yet. Guggenheim tries a new approach — an exhibition and marketplace to attracted people.

Read article
The Guggenheim Launches Its First Ever Online Exhibition

Conversational Design

As designers of interactive media, we’re often faced with the task of asking users to provide information.

That’s true and even more important is the knowledge of how to design the conversion with the user. This article is about six steps to provide a good conversation.

Read article
Conversational Design: How to Craft a System that Listens

Designing for iOS
Over the year iOS is growing and getting more scattered. And I know staying up to date is sometimes not that easy. Therefor it’s helpful to have such websites where you can find collections of principles, sizes and guidelines.

Designing for iOS 9

Navigation examples
I am sometimes in search of new inspiration of navigation paradigms. This website is a useful inspiration and let you explore how different navigation actually work.


Diffuse shadows
Design trends in web are changing constantly. But they also influence all kind of interface designs. This time it’s about shadows. The time of long, good visible shadows is over. Technologically it’s possible to habe use diffuse shadow and interact with them.

Long shadow is dead. Welcome Diffuse shadows.



Christian Hertlein
FIVE Collection

Digital Enthusiast, Keen On Music and Scandinavia Addicted, Director Product Design & Brand @Vay