Zimbabwe President Wins Lottery

Five Guys
Five Guys Facts
Published in
1 min readSep 28, 2016

9–27–16, Adil

In 2000, Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe won the lottery. Like literally.

In case you don’t know, this president is an arse. The year before, he gave himself and his cabinet 200% salary increases.

This lottery was sponsored by a partly state-owned bank, and all clients who had kept at least 5,000 Zimbabwe $ in their account were entered into the drawing. Somehow, apparently, the president had his name randomly drawn from among thousands of other names.

The prize was 100,000 zimbabwe dollars, which comes out to $2600 US — tiny compared to US lotteries. But, in Zimbabwe, this amount of money would be hugely meaningful to most people: minimum wages start at $26 US per MONTH, and half the workforce is unemployed.

Le sigh.

Mugabe mo money


