Five-Minute Fiction Poetry Challenge — Poetry Form Checklist

168 poetic forms with which to wet one’s wily word whistler

Daniel Fincher
Five-Minute Fiction


Image by Anja

People, especially writers, like to think that all writing is art. I disagree. Just like one person can paint a beautiful scene or explore something abstract while another person paints a wall, so too can one writer put more focus into the creativity and artistic expression of their work than another.

In my experience, poetry is the sandbox, playground, and sometimes battlefield where words and language are pushed to their limits in the pursuit of creative artistic expression.

Don’t get me wrong — fiction, screenwriting, essays, and memoirs have all evolved rapidly since the advent of television, as all things do in proximity with competition.

Part of that evolution has been volume, owing mostly to the democratization of information via the internet and wireless connectivity.

Another part of writing’s evolution has come as the reactions of the public at large; both consumers and producers of content, and all of their seemingly infinite nuances.

These forms of writing have long shared a bed with advertising, merchandising, and mainstream influence on pop culture. Everybody has a favorite TV show, cartoon, movie, book…



Daniel Fincher
Five-Minute Fiction

Freelance Writer, Storyteller, and Poet — Founder of Artistic Autism and Five-Minute Fiction