Five on Friday #12: X, Skeleton, Earworm, Netflix and Design Students

Vince Schwidder
Five on Friday
Published in
3 min readOct 27, 2017

Welcome to edition #12 of our Five on Friday, a weekly roundup of links to articles, videos or products that are interesting, inspiring, fun or simply beautiful. Grab your freshly grounded espresso, sit back, and enjoy.

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Learn: A Bone to Pick with Skeleton Screens

Nice research on the effectiveness of Skeleton Screen, or rather lack thereof. In some cases the Skeleton Screen serves its purpose, but it many cases from their tests it actually had a negative effect on the perception of loading time. I still believe it’s a solid solution for many screens, but it’s good to keep asking why you’re choosing certain design solutions and if they’re the best choice.

Learn: Earworm (Video Series by Vox)

Ever wondered why some songs are so catchy, or why the triplet flow took over hiphop recently? Estelle has an amazing, scientific approach on clarifying why we like what we like, or how modern music is constructed. We’re now 5 episodes deep and loving the many throwbacks to the 80s.

Watch: Mindhunter

A new show on Netflix was recently released with one of my favorite producers David Fincher. I am at Episode 9, and loving it so far. It’s very dark, moody, and the dialogue is super strong and heavy. If you liked Zodiac, Se7en, Gone Girl or House of Cards, you’ll like this one too.

Learn: 10 things I wish every design student knew

Cameron Moll was speaking to design students recently and collected 10 tips he shared. An interesting one is het the first point; The greatest output of your careers will be relationships. That’s definitely something you don’t really think about when you’re young, and I am already noticing the satisfactions and power of strong relationships, both personal and professional.

If you have any suggestions for our Five on Friday collection, be sure to send me a message on Twitter.

