Five on Friday #14: Roadster, Coda, UX, Apple, Gifts

Vince Schwidder
Five on Friday
Published in
3 min readNov 24, 2017

Welcome to edition #14 of our Five on Friday, a weekly roundup of links to articles, videos or products that are interesting, inspiring, fun or simply beautiful. Grab your Belgian beer, sit back, and enjoy.

Want: Tesla Roadster

I don’t even care that much about its acceleration, range or top speed, it’s just a really good looking car. McLaren or Lamborghini have impressive design too, but the designers at Tesla push the boundaries in terms of minimal car design. No unnecessary lights, details or lines, just the essential. Again not 100% sure about the interior in terms of design an usability though (like the Model 3). Amazing job overall.


An ex-YouTube exec is looking to make Google Docs / Sheets obsolete by re-inventing the spreadsheet. Earlier this week I got a beta invite and was allowed to play around and it’s looking impressive so far. It has really powerful features like re-using data in different kinds of filtered views. Combining text and data has never been easier. The future of spreadsheets is bright!

Learn: UX Mapping Methods Compared: A Cheat Sheet

Interesting article on different processes to build common ground within an organization with empathy maps, customer journey maps, experience maps, and service blueprints.

Wow: Jony Ive on Apple’s new HQ and the disappearing iPhone

Basically, if money wasn’t an issue, how would you design a building for your employees? Amazing to read the process and thoughts that went into building the new Apple HQ. Gorgeous photography too by the way.

Buy: 2017 Holiday Gift Guide for Photographers

One of my new favorite channels on YouTube this year is Mango Street. They offer a solid stream of videos every week with small little tips. They don’t take themselves too seriously, while still being very skilled in what they do. Neat gift ideas above for photography-minded people.

