Five on Friday #15: Kids, Psychology, Punisher, 24 & Magic

Vince Schwidder
Five on Friday
Published in
3 min readDec 8, 2017

Welcome to edition #15 of our Five on Friday, a weekly roundup of links to articles, videos or products that are interesting, inspiring, fun or simply beautiful. Grab your glass of room temperature Merlot, sit back, and enjoy.

Now You Know: 50 years of kids coding

I’m just going to quote Thuy from The Verge for this one:

It’s Computer Science Education Week, and Google Doodle today celebrates 50 years since kids first began to code. Did you know kids have been coding that long? I didn’t — if they have been coding for that long, then what have I been doing with my life?

Learn: UX & Psychology Go Hand in Hand

Most of these design concept are things you do automatically, because, as a visual design, you see and feel what looks right. However, a lot of these small design choices like grouping, coloring, spacing can be linked to laws seen in psychology. Neat to use when clarifying design choices to your clients.

Watch: The Punisher on Netflix

After binge watching Mindhunter last month on Netflix, I was ready for the next show to loose myself into. I was a bit hesitant as I was never a fan of The Punisher movies, but I am fan of Jon Bernthal (The Accountant, Baby Driver). The trailer didn’t sell me, but nonetheless I started watching last week. Now I’m hooked. High level of gore and blood.

Learn: 24 Ways

Every December, 24 Ways returns for 24 days with publications on web design and development. Some articles are very in-depth and hard to read through, but you’ll learn something new most of the time.

Buy: MagicGrips for Magic Mouse

My setup at work is actually without a mouse, as I prefer the Trackpad over any mouse. I always miss the gestures, and love how the trackpad experience is similar on your MacBook. This looks like a neat little product to enhance your experience with that Apple mouse.

