Five on Friday #18: RAW iPhone, Japanese home, Obama, 100rabbits & Agenda.

Vince Schwidder
Five on Friday
Published in
3 min readFeb 2, 2018

Welcome to edition #18 of our Five on Friday, a weekly roundup of links to articles, videos or products that are interesting, inspiring, fun or simply beautiful. Grab your fresh tomato juice, sit back, and enjoy.

Learn: The Power of RAW on iPhone

While usually owning a top-of-the-line iPhone, I have never been super satisfied by the photography that comes out of it. The shots I take usually feel like quick snapshots that never have the wow-factor compared to when I use my Fujifilm X-E2. I am really glad that Sebastiaan de With has shared insights on how to produce great looking photos, from seemingly “dull shots”. The fact that the iPhone X allows for RAW editing is huge, just look at the examples.

Living: A 1940s Building In Shanghai Was Redesigned To Become A Bright And Airy Home For A Family

I am currently renting a place in Amsterdam, but eventually I’d like to move to a home that I own, and perhaps build / decorate it more rigorously. This is a very inspiring post on the transformation of an old home, bringing it to the new age. I love how much light comes in. Designed by RIGI.

Photo by Joe Pugliese / Netflix

Netflix: My Next Guest Needs No Introduction

David Letterman isn’t necessarily a host I’d watch, but his new show is really candid. It feels like just two people sitting on the couch, talking. The first hour-long episode is with Barack Obama, ton of fun. Amongst others, coming up are George Clooney, Tina Fey and Jay-Z.

Fun: Tiny apps and games

Cool discovery by Jeff van Steijn; an odd collection of apps and games built and designed by hundredrabbits. There is more to them than meets the eye with their music tracker, pattern creator and note app. Try ‘em.

Tool: Agenda

Agenda is a date-focused note taking app for both planning and documenting your projects. It looks pretty good, and engineered from The Netherlands too. Giving it a spin the coming days.

