27 Must-Read Software Development Books for 2023 (With Links)

Vsevolod Ulyanovich
Fively Blog
Published in
9 min readJul 13, 2023

Find an ultimate list of 27 books in various custom software development categories with links! 📚🧠💪

The ever-evolving field of software development requires continual learning and improvement. Modern development practices require from a software engineer a comprehensive piece of knowledge, both with theoretical insights and practical techniques in various domains, from programming languages and database management to quality assurance, web design, and DevOps practices.

And that’s the point where books on programming can be a good hand. By staying updated with such books and applying their lessons, developers can keep up with these trends, improve their skills, and deliver high-quality, modern software solutions.

Today, we decided to make a compilation of the top 27 books in various custom software development categories. We believe these books will give you lots of insights and turn out to be handy in your professional journey. Here we go!

Custom Software Development Books

Books for Custom Software Development

With an increasing focus on delivering high-quality custom software at speed, DevOps and Agile methodologies continue to be major trends. Automation and AI-driven development are also rising, as is the use of microservices architecture for scalable and flexible applications. Regarding these trends in custom software development, you can pay attention to the following books:

These books provide you with the foundational knowledge and principles to navigate these changes, providing insights into best practices and methodologies that align with these trends.

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Web Design Books

Books for Web Design

User experience (UX) and user interface (UI) design continue to evolve, with a focus on accessibility, responsiveness, and minimalistic design. Other trends include dark mode, voice user interface, and augmented reality experiences.

Books on this subject will help you stay abreast of these design principles and understand how to apply them to create intuitive and engaging user experiences.

Mobile Development Books

Books for Mobile Development

Cross-platform development using frameworks like React Native and Flutter is a major trend, allowing developers to write code once and deploy it on multiple platforms. Also, with the rise of 5G, mobile apps are becoming more advanced, incorporating AR, VR, and IoT best practices.

The recommended books can help you understand these technologies and frameworks, allowing you to write efficient and high-performing mobile applications.

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Quality Assurance Books

Books for Software Testing

Automation continues to be a dominant trend in QA, with an increasing emphasis on integrating testing into the DevOps pipeline. AI and Machine Learning are being applied to enhance test creation and execution. Reading about modern QA processes and tools can help you adopt these techniques and improve the quality of your software.

DevOps Books

Books for DevOps Specialists

DevOps practices are increasingly being combined with cloud computing and microservices for rapid, reliable software release. Also, Infrastructure as Code (IaC) and containerization with tools like Docker and Kubernetes are major trends. DevOps books provide an understanding of these practices and how they can streamline the software development and deployment process.

📌 Also, feel free to contact us if you need professional custom software development or assistance — our senior engineering specialists have deep knowledge of the latest software development frameworks and libraries, as well as vast expertise in various business domains.

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Database Management Books

Books for Database Management

The use of cloud-based and NoSQL databases continues to grow. There’s also an increased focus on real-time data processing and the use of AI for database management. Books on database management can help you understand the principles and benefits of these trends, enabling you to choose and use the most appropriate database systems for your needs.

  • “Database System Concepts” by Abraham Silberschatz, Henry F. Korth, and S. Sudarshan: This book gives a solid understanding of fundamental database concepts. It covers various types of databases, including relational and NoSQL;
  • “Database Management Systems” by Raghu Ramakrishnan and Johannes Gehrke: this book provides a comprehensive overview of the theory of databases, SQL, database design, data storage and querying, transaction processing, and more;
  • “NoSQL Distilled: A Brief Guide to the Emerging World of Polyglot Persistence” by Pramod J. Sadalage and Martin Fowler: for those looking to learn about NoSQL databases, this book provides an excellent introduction to this new type of database management system.

Serverless Architecture Books

Books for Serverless Architecture

More businesses are moving towards serverless architectures to save costs and improve scalability. This goes hand in hand with the trend toward microservices and event-driven programming. Books on serverless architecture can provide the knowledge and best practices to design and build robust serverless systems.

Remember to apply the principles and techniques you learn from these books through hands-on practice. That’s the best way to solidify your understanding. Remember, while books can provide a great foundation, nothing beats hands-on coding experience.

Additionally, due to the rapid pace of change in technology and development practices, it’s also critical to stay updated with the latest trends and practices through blogs, forums, and other online resources.


Drawing the line, these books are invaluable resources for software developers looking to deepen their understanding, enhance their skills, and keep up with the rapid pace of change in the technology industry. They can offer many benefits to software developers, both beginners and experienced practitioners:

  1. Conceptual Understanding: These books teach you the fundamental concepts underlying each domain, enabling you to grasp how and why things work;
  2. Best Practices: The authors share industry-approved best practices, which you can incorporate into your work to increase your efficiency and the quality of your output;
  3. Problem-solving Skills: By exposing you to a variety of problems and solutions in software development, these books will help improve your problem-solving skills;
  4. Career Advancement: Expanding your knowledge base and acquiring new skills can help you advance your career, either by specializing in a particular area or by growing into a well-rounded developer.

By exploring these texts, you will gain a robust understanding of your area of interest, whether it’s custom software development, web design, mobile development, quality assurance, DevOps, database management, or serverless architecture.

By the way, all of these and many other interesting books and series on software development you can order at the Amazon store by following this link, or by clicking on the name of a certain book in the text.

If you liked our guide on the best books for custom software development, feel free to check our recent guides on connected topics, cause we’ve got a lot of them for you! Here they are:

Finally, please remember that the best learning comes from a mix of reading, practical application, and sharing knowledge with others in the field. Keep coding, experimenting, and communicating with your fellow developers.

Happy reading and developing!

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Vsevolod Ulyanovich
Fively Blog

Can’t stop sharing my experience and knowledge with other people. I write my thoughts on startups, technology, and marketing. Marketing Manager at Fively.