5 Reasons Why Your Software Development Provider Should Be Clutch-Certified

Vsevolod Ulyanovich
Fively Blog
Published in
4 min readJul 22, 2021

If you ever looked for outsourced software development services, you must have noticed that some companies refer to Clutch certification. What is it? And is it really essential for you as a customer? Let’s figure it out.

What Is Clutch?

When reputable bodies, independent organizations, or business partners acknowledge a company’s experience and the quality of the services provided, it looks quite convincing for the company’s clients, right?

Clutch is exactly the kind of authoritative source of information for B2B hiring and buying. It’s a data-driven platform with ratings and reviews of IT and other business services providers. More than 150,000 companies in 500+ categories are registered on Clutch so far.

The platform regularly evaluates the registered service providers and publishes its own ratings. To rate companies correctly, Clutch takes into account the following indicators:

  • references and clients’ feedback that is indicated on Cutch;
  • types of projects and clients;
  • consistent public information and market presence;
  • reputation;
  • awards and industry recognition

What Does Clutch Certification Mean For You As a Customer?

1. You Can See Your Candidate’s Real Clients and Their Feedback

It’s valuable to get a sense of what kind of people became a bit happier with the help of a company of interest. They probably had the same challenges as you face, and it’s wise to analyze their satisfaction from the collaboration. And here Clutch is your trustworthy assistant.

When a company wants to get rated by Clutch, it must provide evidence of their useful work — client reviews. To get a review published on Clutch, clients should either submit it online or be interviewed by a Clutch analyst by phone. All the reviews are detailed and have a clear structure: background, challenge, solution, results, and ratings for quality, costs, scheduling, and willingness to refer.

2. Your Software Development Contractor Aims to Be Transparent

When a company wants to be nominated, it’s a priori ready for certain publicity. Clutch takes into account a company’s presence on the market and social media. Therefore, companies provide high-quality information on their websites and social media profiles.

When you open any corporate profile on Clutch, you will see detailed information on a company’s focus, a portfolio, and all the necessary contacts. It’s a good way to understand who is in front of you and some sort of insurance from dubious contractors.

3. You Can Find a Contractor with a Specific Expertise

Clutch classifies unregistered IT companies according to their service lines, client and industry focus, application platforms, mobile focus, e-commerce systems, frameworks and CMS, user experience focus, programming, and scripting. Moreover, Clutch regularly publishes lists of the top-notch companies in a certain region or domain. Using provided filters, you can shortlist the contenders that seem more suitable according to their expertise.

It’s easy to navigate through software services providers with such variety (when you know what exactly you need, of course).

4. Your IT Company Will Care About Its Reputation

Being a Clutch-recognized company means that the contender has certain ambitions and understands the responsibility arising from the recognition. The company has a reputation to uphold. Therefore, you can be sure that there’s no need to expect trouble and malpractice from further cooperation with the company.

You may find something that you don’t like — the nuances of communication, management, or work approach. The good thing is that you can figure it out at an early stage and find a compromise or stop cooperating without essential losses. Don’t think about the worst-case scenarios, though. You’d better read the following part.

5. You Can Uncover the Brightest Professionals on the Market

Clutch has a serious step-by-step verification and recognition process. Companies submit certain commercial information and figures apart from client reviews and indicators of market presence. If the platform selects certain candidates and includes them in a rating, such companies have solid expertise and can provide serious technical support for your project.

Save your time and select a suitable contractor right from the list of the best specialists. Clutch does a great job for the B2B market so that you can make informed hiring decisions.

Fively Ranked 25 in the Clutch Top 100 Fastest-Growing Firms — Our Impressions

Clutch is our good friend. We are registered there for some time and update the information diligently. However, this year something remarkable happened: Fively joined the rating of Clutch’s Top 100 Fastest-Growing Firms.

This rating is special because Clutch has recognized the best companies not from a certain region but all over the world. So, it was a particular honor for us to find ourselves in the first quarter of the listing. At the same time, the Fively team understands that such a nomination implies a new level of responsibility to our actual and future customers. And we are ready for that.

To sum it up, Clutch recognition is strong evidence for the software development companies that you consider as a potential tech partner. If you are looking for transparency, open dialogue, and professionalism, check the latest listings on the platform. Clutch certification won’t provide a 100% guarantee of your fruitful collaboration in the future but can serve you as a clue in all the diversity of IT market players.


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Vsevolod Ulyanovich
Fively Blog

Can’t stop sharing my experience and knowledge with other people. I write my thoughts on startups, technology, and marketing. Marketing Manager at Fively.