Fiji impressions

Emilia Rigo
Published in
4 min readJan 18, 2017

In spite of the less than a straight forward passage between islands, we liked Fiji. Why? A number of reasons. People being the main one. Fijians are the most genuinely friendly and welcoming people we have met so far on our travels. They must also be one of the happiest, even though a lot of them don't have very many earthly possessions at all.

Tourism being one of their main source of income they learnt how to do hospitality really well. It is also not uncommon that random locals go out of their way to greet you with big smiles on their faces shouting “Bula!!”* from the furthest corners of their garden as they catch a glimpse of you passing by. Nor is children running up to you and cheerfully waving. Very refreshing! And sad at the same time that we are so unaccustomed to this level of complaisance and inquisitiveness that we almost found it uncomfortable, at least in the beginning.

*multipurpose word in Fijian, mostly used for hello, but can also mean thank you etc.

Naturally the clear water, white sands, waterfalls that you can dive from (only for the brave though and if one is not worried about 15m jumps and cracked ribs etc. Right, Bálint?) and lush green forests are also among the top reasons why we like Fiji.

Diving is world class on the Rainbow reef, plenty of hikes around as well and they have a natural water-slide where you are guaranteed a few bruises or torn shorts as a souvenir. Bálint got away scoff free on this one, but I am boasting a black bruise on my top right thigh.

Fruits are fresh and are as organic as they come, and food, although not very varied, is good. If you can get it, that is. There are very strict “feeding times” as they call it and if you missed it …. tough! Or if they run out of food they just close early which seem to happen quite regularly and often as early as 7–8pm!

Fijian kava, especially the one from Taveuni, as famous as it is, still looks and tastes like muddy water to us. Regardless, we persevered with it one evening to see what the hype is about. We are yet to find out…..

And last, but not the least, handsome men! Fijian men are very easy on the eyes. Sadly, I was too shy to take a few good snaps to present.

So now we said goodbye to Fiji and we are off to check out the Cooks!

On the way to the Cook islands we briefly stopped by Auckland. Very welcoming little nation the kiwis are! Border control insisted upon arrival that they clean our shoes for us….Don't mind if I do!

Ps: this post was drafted a while back and since we made it to the Cook islands where we had a few great days. Update to follow shortly on this as well, just as soon as we get our acts together (and have sufficient internet).

