7 Tips for Selling Your Home THIS Winter

Freda Lau
fivewalls blog
Published in
3 min readDec 11, 2015

It’s cold but the real estate market is hot!

The cold winds are blowing and snow is falling, but you don’t have to stay tucked inside waiting for spring! The real estate market is burning strong and offers some serious buyers. Not only that, but with fewer homes on the market there’s far less competition. Both of these cases give you a real advantage when selling! Just keep a few important tips in mind before you list and you should be able to post ‘sold’ before the snow melts. Here are 7 tips to increase the appeal of your home during winter:

The Exterior of Your Home

1. Prune shrubs that are drooping into windows or walkways

With all that fluffy white snow and ice, the exterior of your home becomes harder to see. Yet, it still needs to be attractive, well maintained and above all, safe! This is the time to prune shrubs that are drooping into windows or walkways.

2. Safety First!

It’s the time of year to ensure exterior lights are functioning and turned on! And it’s the time to make sure all paths are clear. You don’t need a prospective buyer falling on some ice, leaving you liable!

3. Clean your windows

Take the time on a mild day to clean your windows and as much of the exterior as possible. When your windows are clean they allow more sunlight inside. Clean siding allows for your home’s full features to be displayed.

4. Display some holiday decor

Finally, create an inviting front entrance. Hang a holiday wreath or other ornamental decor. Keep it simple and tasteful. You are trying to appeal to the masses, so resist the urge to showcase your Santa Claus collection.


You only have 10–15 to make a lasting impression on your home — this is about the time required to walk through a home. So this is your chance to create a cozy retreat from the cold the minute a prospective buyer steps in the door.

1. Make a place to put wet boots and coats

Start by laying out a place to put their wet boots and coats. Consider offering a pair of new slippers to keep their toes toasty while they tour your home. Not only will buyers appreciate an organised thoughtful space, you’ll protect your floors!

2. Warm up your home

Set your thermostat at a comfortable temperature and if you have a fireplace, ensure that it is on. Drape a blanket or throw on the back of a couch so buyers can envision themselves cuddling in it. And you might want to consider simmering some apple cider on the stove. All these add to the cozy ambiance you are trying to create.

3. Lights!

Finally, ensure your home is sparkling clean, organised and well lite. This allows you to showcase your home in it’s best condition. Your goal is to allow buyers to envision themselves living there.

Ask your agent to help you prepare your home!

This article was written by a fivewalls writer. fivewalls has a database of over 150 real estate agents profiles in Guelph, KW and London with thousands of independent reviews. We believe that people should be able to research agents before choosing one to work with.

