Cycle safe | Lock it safe

Byron Smyth
Fixed Gear & Single Speed
1 min readMar 21, 2013


Riding a cycle in the urban landscape can be seen as a challenge.

But it all depends how this is perceived.

Riding during the day is about having a decent helmet and protective gloves.

At night, everything changes.

High-visibility jacket, front and rear lights MUST be added to the equipment.

There is a cost to it fo course but a slight shock from a car door or a bumper and you could be on the floor with serious injuries.

Last but not least, is related to leaving your means of transport in a safe place and correctly locked.

Once all boxes are ticked…just enjoy your ride…



Byron Smyth
Fixed Gear & Single Speed

Currently, working here and there and spending my spare time writing about various topics from chasing unicorns to time travel.