Why we’ve started a war on boring holidays.

Lisa Simpson
Published in
4 min readDec 1, 2016

Since we launched Fixers in 2015, over 400 of you have travelled with us and joined our war on boring holidays. And you’ve been all over the globe with adventures across Morocco and into the Sahara, husky safaris in Finland, staying in ice hotels and searching for bears in Romania, yoga and mediation in Goa, yachting in Montenegro, surfing in Portugal and going off-grid to explore unknown lands in Albania.

A massive shout out goes to everyone that has been on this journey with us so far! Thank you to everyone that’s booked a holiday with us, retweeted, told your friends about us or any other way you’ve supported us — salute! You’re literally amazing and we couldn’t have got this far without you.

Don’t worry we’ll be back soon…

With a bang in Spring 2017 folks. Follow our journey here @fixershq for a fly on the wall account of all things Fixers HQ related and join us in the war on boring holidays. We won’t let you down.

So where have we gone?

We believe booking travel online, is only at the start of its journey. We’re busy working hard to bring you a brand new personalised way to discover and book extraordinary travel. Just here, building the future of travel yeah, No big deal…

So why are we doing this?

We want to change the way the world discovers and books travel.

With busy careers and personal lives, we got really rubbish at planning our holidays. We were bored of returning from average holidays that could have been so much better had we had more time to research and plan them. Hold tight the overachievers who actually enjoy that research though — you’re bad, want a job?

Most of us work on average 280 days per year with 28 days off — if you’re lucky, (start-up founders not included)! Then, minus Christmas, the weddings, christenings and stuff we don’t actually choose to do and you’re left with an insanely tiny amount of time to yourself. Cue the hype and massive expectations from our time off. Probably the only acceptable time to be a diva in life because it should be super special and it has to be extraordinary.

Generic travel and review sites don’t do it for us.

We were spending hours, days trawling through different websites and generic options looking for that special ‘extraordinary’ experience, within our budget that was right for us. Ring any bells?

Then, how do you know that this dude on trip advisor whose saying he absolutely loves a hotel (which looks pretty average) how do we know he actually likes the same stuff as you do? Does he want the same thing from his hotel as you? Does he have the same tastes? What if he wears shit crocs and a blazer?! Enough said. We basically lost all faith in this broken system.

We don’t do boring holidays either.

We also just want more from our holidays! Inner diva aside, we’re passionate about travel beyond the sun lounger. We love adventure and visiting those hidden corners of the world and learning new skills. We want to know where to taste that local street food and where that secret beach bar is to have a romantic sunset cocktail. But we aren’t backpackers! Sometimes we just want to relax, take a digital detox, in a boujis boutique hotel with an amazing bed, banging service and time to meditate on a mountain. Maybe all of the above in the same trip — maybe not. Get it?

We also like throwing parties in some of the most stunning and remote locations on the planet. If you know you know!

In Feb 2016, we threw the world’s first adventure travel party Beyond Sahara taking 150 of you on the adventure of a lifetime through Morocco to a camp in the Sahara desert.

AND we’re going back to the Sahara in March 2017 so join the adventure and watch this space for more Beyond destinations coming very soon!



Who are Fixers?

The idea for Fixers was dreamt up whilst sitting on the highest sand dune in the Sahara desert at sunset. Shortly after, founded in an East London flat in 2015 to fill a need for 20 and 30 somethings to be inspired and book extraordinary travel online. Founders Ben (CEO), Lisa (Creative Director) and Chris (CTO) met working together 9 years ago at Rough Hill — the UK’s largest youth events and marketing agency.

We have each have a 10-year background in organising events for 20 somethings around the world and building powerful brands like Rise Festival and technology platforms like Appear Here.

I’ve booked a holiday with you, what now?

Don’t worry all is in hand, your booking still stands and you’re still travelling with us! By now, you should have received an email from your holiday stylist to let you know what’s happening and how to get in touch if you have any questions about your upcoming trip. Any further questions please don’t hesitate to get in touch hello@wearefixers.co.uk

Join our team

If you’re a don at any of the below we want you. Get in touch with links to your work and tell us why you want to be a part of our journey hireme@wearefixers.co.uk

Copywriting, Graphic Design, Photography / Video, Full Stack Developer, Business Development, Digital Marketing.

