Granite or Quartz. Understand which is the best?

United Granite PA
Kitchen Countertops
4 min readMay 2, 2022

Before determining which shell is better — marble or quartz, it is worth immediately saying that both materials are a stone of artificial origin. In the manufacture of such shells, a mineral base in the form of marble chips or quartz sand, a binding polymer or resin component, coloring pigments and other components are used. Such sinks are made by vibrocasting, which allows to obtain products that are not inferior to products made of natural stone either in quality or in appearance.

Marble and Granite both are completely different materials. Marble is a metamorphic rock composed of recrystallized carbonate material, where granite is an igneous rock that is granular and phaneritic in texture and composed of quartz and feldspar.

A comparison between marble and granite head to head in important categories will give us an idea about deciding which stone to use in building and renovation projects.

Natural stone (natural marble, granite, onyx, travertine)

This is a natural stone that is found in the earth’s crust and is a product formed when cooling lava, consisting of a set of minerals. A certain ratio of minerals creates different colors and patterns on the beautiful cuts that we see on the surfaces of stone slabs.

To obtain the raw materials that are necessary for the manufacture of all the variety of objects from stone, large blocks are extracted from the thickness of the quarries, and then cut into slabs. The process of extracting blocks and obtaining plates from them is costly and can, to some extent, be called manufacturing, but the material itself is completely natural.

Artificial stone (quartz agglomerate)

Today, there are several different types of materials for countertops on the market, which are similar to stone, but not all of them can rightfully be called products made of artificial stone. For example, acrylic stone is one of the most popular materials for artificial countertops that are “not quite” made of stone. The basis of this product is acrylic resins, which, under the influence of temperature, provide the “stone” with plasticity, which makes it possible to give it different shapes.

Speaking of artificial stone, they most often mean quartz agglomerate — the basis (91–93%) contains quartz (in the form of crumbs) — and this is one of the most durable materials in nature. Quartz agglomerate, in turn, can already be called an artificial stone, and a quartz agglomerate sink is not a fake for natural stone, although it looks very similar to natural stone (and has similar properties).

Countertops made of natural stone: advantages and disadvantages

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Pros of a countertop made of natural stone

Beautiful appearance. Undoubtedly, the natural material has its own exquisite charm — texture, pattern, shade. Cooking food in such a premium kitchen work area, you can feel a reunion with nature.
The stone is cold to the touch. This is not exactly an advantage, since not everyone likes the feeling of cold. But in an area with a hot climate, a stone countertop is an ideal option.
Hardy material. Countertops made of natural stone have a significant service life, as they are resistant to temperature changes, shocks and chemical attack. The hardiest stone is granite, as well as quartz.
Natural stone has many unusual shades that are difficult to create artificially: from gray-blue and emerald to pink and dark brown.
Disinfecting qualities of natural material. Marble is considered a powerful antiseptic that kills all pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms. Therefore, marble countertops are an ideal option from the point of view of sanitary standards.

Cons of natural stone

Granite is a bit of a phonite. Quartz and granite have a certain radioactivity, but these indicators are minimal, so they are safe for humans. Granite of the first class is considered completely safe. Therefore, if you decide to order a countertop made of this material, ask the seller for a certificate of quality, where these characteristics are indicated.
The marble countertop is easy to damage. Marble is considered the most environmentally friendly material, but it needs special care. The weak point of this natural material is porosity and a high ability to absorb moisture. And hence the tendency to form spots.
The presence of seams. There can be no seamless countertop made of natural stone. Therefore, the installation of products made of natural stone must be done very carefully. To mount the countertop should be a master who understands his work.
Natural material needs special care. Stone, like any other natural material, ages over the years. It is recommended to periodically treat the working area with a protective composition. But it doesn’t always help.
Difficulties in restoration. Repairing natural stone is much more difficult than artificial. And in some cases, restoration is not possible at all.
High cost. The most important drawback of countertops made of natural material is their high cost. Here we are talking not only about the price of the material of the working area, but also the headset as a whole. Natural stone has a solid weight, so it needs a stronger frame — hence the increase in price.



United Granite PA
Kitchen Countertops

The best Granite, Marble and Quartz installer and fabricator in the whole of PA area. Granite Countertops Philadelphia