Points to keep in mind for better article

Harshit Daga
Fizday Design Paper


As medium is a respectable public platform and so is Fizday Design Paper, following the provided guidelines can greatly increase your chance of getting selected as a writer.

Article for all

Remember that your audience can be of any age, language, and varying experience level. Do not use too many jargons in your articles and keep the tone of the article informative rather than a critique or a promoter. Such articles will be rejected if deemed unfit.

Keeping it legit

Strong research is the backbone of a good article, make sure you have one. Research before making claims — show proofs for the solution that you are talking about. Try looking for various researches online which supports your argument.

Provide reference links

A well-knit community believes in uplifting each other in every way possible. Please provide links, articles, pictures that you have referred from any website. Giving credits where they are due helps your article look more genuine and positive.

Focus on formatting

Medium is having its own set of formatting tools for best writing and reading experience. Please strictly follow these tools to have a cohesive and uniform structure in your articles. Also, make sure to look out for this short checklist.

  • Use a short and attractive title for your article.
  • Use bold and italics as sparsely as possible.
  • Do not use a lot of “ALL CAPS” sentences.
  • Try to break articles in sections rather than a big chunk of paragraph

Proof Reading

Use services like Grammarly, Google Docs, and other word processors to fix spelling and grammar issues in your articles.

Cover image for article

Your article should have at least one image which will be used as the cover image of your article. Make sure this image is breathable, contains no or minimal text and it relates to your article. Use royalty images only if you are having a license to use them.

Giving back to the community

Sharing is caring. Share your experiences about design, research, career, and anything else you feel the community should know about. We need you to be a part of our community and help our audience in enhancing their knowledge. Follow this link to know how you can publish with Fizday Design Paper.

(Link would be updated soon)



Harshit Daga
Fizday Design Paper

An architect by education and UX/UI designer due to love for human-centric design.