UX Case Study — Covid –19 App to Provide Best community, moral support & Medical Assistance through Digital Platform: “Helpo”

Prashant Upadhyay
Fizday Design Paper
10 min readMar 10, 2021


“Helpo” is online digital platform where user can:

· Report Covid-19 Cases.

· Search nearby Hospitals.

· Social Communities to Provide support.

· Medical Assistance.

· View Red /Orange/Green Zones on Maps.

· Book RTPCR test, check-ups everything at door step.

· Further Assistance & Updating on next steps.

· Chat with experts.

· Emergency Button.

· Location Alerts.

· Medicine/Vaccine Reminders.

· Latest News & Instructions.

· Get All Details & Services Info about your location.

So, let’s begin the Journey to understand the working & process of making the “Helpo App”.

Problem Statement:

COVID-19 has affected our lives in unbelievable ways and the last few months have been full of fear, anxiety and stress. This has taken a toll on the mental health of people. Majority of these cases went unnoticed as a result of lack of awareness, financial restraints and self-doubts.

The need of the hour is a global digital platform where people support people to stay strong. A unique destination that provides community, moral support and information on how to get the best medical assistance.

Design Process:

User Research:

User research focuses on understanding user behaviors, needs, and motivations through observation techniques, task analysis, and other feedback methodologies:

Secondary Research:

1: Desk Research 2: User Story 3: Similar Apps

Primary Research:

1: User Group 2: User Personas 3: Making a Questionnaire 4: User Interviews 5: · User Journey

Desk Research:

Mind Mapping:

Got down all the thoughts and each & every point to a Mind Map, in order to cover all features of “Helpo”.

User Story:

Similar Apps: {Available Apps for Covid-19 in Market}:

Primary Research:

User Group:

Based on my research our target group are Students, Adults, Aged People & Affected Person by mapping all their needs & Pain Points.

Trying to design a better a platform for them taking all issue faced by them into consideration as my main priority.

User Persona:



Aged Group

Affected Person

Making the Questionnaire:

I have drafted questionnaires, some of them are mentioned below:

1. Are you able to get all Info related to Covid-19?

2. How you report cases of covid-19 to government?

3. Are you getting proper treatment?

4. How you keep track of all cases in your locality?

5. Do you able to communicate with doctor on apps easily?

6. Are you getting proper support in case of need?

7. In case of emergency what you do?

8. If you wanted to support other people, are you able to provide them proper support such as medical assistance, moral support & many more?

9. How do you manage your appointments & Consultancy with doctors?

10. How do you manage essential items needed?

11. How much you can pay & want check-ups & lab test at your door step?

12. How much you know about what first Aid have to give anyone in case any emergency?

User Interview:

To get some qualitative insights I ran user interviews, some of Insights of User interview are:

· No Social Communities to Provide support.

· No Proper Details & Info to get best medical Assistance.

· Communication with doctor is not easy.

· Waiting time for doctors is long.

· Not proper door step facility.

· Wrong details/Info & Fake news confusions.

· Some People wanted to support financially to others.

· Some people also wanted to support by providing them essentials items needed.

· No further updates regarding next step to follow after treatment.

· Emergency help.

· Needed All Details/ News regarding covid-19 with smart filter to get proper information.

User Journey:

I chose to do User Journey to understand our users with the Digital platforms. To be in the Better understanding as each and every step helped to understand user’s insights with the Digital platforms: -


Empathy Mapping:

User Group (Student, Adult, Aged group):

User Group (Affected Person):

Affinity Mapping:

The affinity diagram is a business tool used to organize ideas and data.

How Might We’s Questions:

I have tried to list some of ‘how might we’ questions to solve problems, some of questions I have mentioned here: -

How might we make Support Community for the People?

2: How might we categorize the different types of support i.e. financial support, moral support, Group support & many more?

3: How might we make check-ups & lab test at your door step?

4: How might we show locality alert/Zone wise alert in App?

5: How might we add chat with expert options?

6: How might we design covid-19 dashboard?

7: How might we do symptoms checks?

8: How might we give all details to user to make it useful?

9: How might we first Aid steps info helpful?

10: How might we Emergency button/Call helpline works?


User Flow:

Sketches & Wireframes:


I have started designing the Sketches for “Helpo” based on all my Research, Analysis, Interview, Articles & Blogs I have read to make best effective solutions for all user groups and tried to solve all their problems: — I have Designed these Sketches taking all the pain points of User groups into consideration Some of these Sketches design I have mentioned below: -


I have converted all sketches into Lo-Fi Wireframes:

UI Designs:

Introducing you “Helpo”

Welcome & Select your language screen :

Here user can simply select his/her religion language to continue using app in their preferred language.

Onboarding Screens:

This is onboarding screens to explain the Helpo to all users.

Login Screen with Mobile Number & Social Login:

Here user can simply enter mobile number, gets a Verification 4-digit code to Proceed Further.

This is the Personal & Some Additional Information Needed to continue the App Like Name, Gender, Profession, Age, Symptoms you are facing etc.

This is one of some additional screen asking permission for Notifications.

Home Screen & Community Screen:

Home screen consists of all basic features which user want to use like Myself check-up, Report case, nearby Hospitals, Book Test, Covid Updates, Latest News, Media, Chat with expert, Covid Useful Info, Donate Now, fundraiser, Trending News & lots of other features.

With bottom navigation consists of Home, community, essentials, notifications & Side Navigation consists of other needed features.

Myself Check-up: In this User will be asked some basic question to check their status & to make health report card of the day.

Report Case: In this feature user can report the covid -19 cases directly i.e. Self-report (If Accepted) or for others as well.

Nearby Hospitals: In this feature User can search or get recommended best medical facility available as well as can use smart filter option to get the type of facility user wanted.

Book Test at Door Step: In this User can book at door step facility for check-up & many more.

Covid Updates: In this feature user will get all updates regarding the covid-19 details of his or her area as well as city, state, country & many more. (Stats, graphs, affected, death, recovered etc.).

Latest News: In this feature user will get News regarding the covid — 19 (Due to spread of wrong info, it also affects so many people so this feature will help user to stayed update with genuine news).

Media: In this feature user will able see all Media related stuff like videos, conference, ministers speaking, talks, chats, meeting & many more.

Chat with Expert (or Video Consultant):In this feature user can talk to expert person by paying fees to get all info related to covid-19 spread, prevention, how to stay safe, etc.

Covid useful info: In this user will shared documents, Articles, blogs, tips, preventive measures, how to stay safe & many more information.

Donate Now: In this feature user can donate to help others who are affected by the corona virus.

Fundraiser: Donate or collect fund to support others in your area, colony, locality.

Get Trending News, updates, Vaccine Info, Vaccine dashboard & many other features too at one single spot “Helpo”

Community Screen:

This is the special feature designed for the “Helpo” app with provide a community to people who helps others to stay strong in this pandemic by providing community support, moral support, financial support, providing best medical assistance & many more.

People can voice talk, chat in the group, share news, media, documents, Video Chat, calling & many more.

& The best part of this community is Everyone one will verified before joining to avoid spam.

This the Essentials & Notifications Screens where user can Buy Essentials Items needed.& Notification Screen where user gets all latest updates, news etc. As well as they can share all this on other media platform too.

News, Doctors & experts, Zones location Screens:

User can view & Share latest news, Media, Chat & talk with Doctors & experts as well as see Affected Zones all over the locality on Maps.

These are Screens consists of Covid-19 Information, Chat screen & Smart Search filter to provide user best experience in finding what they are looking for.

Community Voice Chat Features:

Report your covid case or others simply using these features, here user can just select for whom he or she wanted to report the case, fill up all the details & you are done, help will arrive at your door step as soon as possible.

This is for booking the Door step check-up.

This is Donate & fundraiser screen where user can simply donate in all on going fund through all type of payment method.

Side Navigation screen consists of all other additional features like:

Profile, Generate (QR Code) your health status, Emergency call, Set Reminders, Area wise details, Donation, setting, privacy, terms etc.

Profile: It will consists of all the data related to your profile

Generate QR Code: It will provide QR code of your health status, you can share this QR as well.

Locality Check: In this feature user will get alerted in locality as per the zone alert & new rules given by the government etc.

Emergency Call: This will help to get emergency help as soon as possible to your location.

Set Reminders: This feature will help user to get reminded about the medicine, vaccines etc.

Area Wise details: Using this feature user can check other areas, locality condition i.e. are they safe to visit or not, essential are available or not etc.

Donate Now/Fundraiser: Using this feature user can donate & help to support others in this pandemic.

& Others are Privacy, Terms, & Settings feature of the “Helpo” App.


So, I have Designed this App to provide best solution in this Pandemic to all user groups by providing all supports at one place.

This all I have Designed for “Helpo”

My Behance & Dribbble Portfolio to view my others Projects: -

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This is all related to my project Helpo App, your feedback is welcomed so that I can improve myself for further Case study.

See you Soon!



Prashant Upadhyay
Fizday Design Paper

Product Designer at Snapdeal | Tech Enthusiasts | National Finalist Hero Campus Challenge S6