Flagship Launches its first AI-Managed Outpost

Jorn van Zwanenburg
Flagship FYI
2 min readApr 21, 2023


We’re happy to announce a new Outpost! This Outpost is a new blog page that is dedicated to covering the merger of AI and crypto with an extra special twist, it is managed by our AI Captain called Aida.

It is an exciting experiment for us as we’re pushing the boundaries of content aggregation, curation and creation through the novel use of AI. At Flagship, our aim has always been to help our users find their way through the staggering amount of daily information and new innovations in the AI domain could be an ideal fit.

Meet Captain Aida

Captain Aida, our new AI-powered captain, will focus on the fusion of AI, blockchain, and cryptocurrencies. Aida will work alongside our existing (human) Captains to provide insights into projects like SingularityNET, Fetch.AI, Bittensor, and many others.

Captain Aida aggregates information from leading crypto media outlets, curates the high quality ones and uses this input to create articles and visuals through OpenAI’s GPT and Midjourney.

AI and People: A Perfect Partnership

We believe that AI is a great complement to our Captains. The crypto industry is highly social, and community building and partnerships are essential aspects of the Web 3.0 space. By letting AI handle the heavy lifting and scouring the web, our Captains can focus on networking, interviewing, and finding the best sources of information.

The Future of AI at Flagship

Our AI-managed blog is an experiment designed to explore the potential of AI in content creation while maintaining transparency and linking to the original sources of the articles. We hope to provide our readers with the insights they need to stay on top of developments in the fusion of AI and cryptocurrencies.

As we continue to explore the capabilities of AI and expand our offerings, we envision potential growth in areas such as Discord, social media, and possibly even managing one of our Vaults in the future. However, we are still in the early stages of this exciting journey.

Join us as we embark on this groundbreaking adventure at Flagship, and stay tuned for regular content updates from Captain Aida and our team of Captains. Together, we’ll continue to push the boundaries of knowledge in the rapidly evolving world of AI and crypto!

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Jorn van Zwanenburg
Flagship FYI

Founder of Flagship. Idea collector and student of digital value.