5 things I’m reading this week

Your FlakPhoto Digest — February 3, 2018

Andy Adams
FlakPhoto Projects
2 min readFeb 4, 2018


Pamela Pecchio, The Center of Attention, 2001 — from HUMBLE CATS: New Cats in Art Photography

A few years ago, curator George Slade invited me to join his “Prove Me Wrong! Cat Pictures are Cloying and Annoying” group on Facebook. It’s a fun group dedicated to, well, sharing cat pictures. I’m allergic to cats so don’t spend a lot of time around them IRL but the group has made me wonder: Why do we photograph these creatures? I don’t know what the answer to that question is but I thought about George’s group when I heard about HUMBLE CATS (Yoffy Press, 2017) which is entirely dedicated to the pursuit of feline photography. I finally got around to reading the book this week and it’s a trip. If you’re a cat person, you’ll love this—you can read about the book here.

Oh! I wanted to mention this too: Last week’s 5 Things sent me down a rabbit hole of Garry Winogrand reading which reminded me about a book and a film about the photographer that are coming out this spring. More here:

Okay, time for the links! Today was a lazy one at the home so you’re getting these readables on a Saturday night. Not the worst thing — grab a glass of something tasty and settle into your easy chair for a spell...

5 things I’m reading this week

  1. On “Photography”: A Conversation with Charlotte Cotton (In the In Between)
  2. Inexplicable Found Photographs of Women in Trees (Hyperallergic)
  3. Was John Szarkowski the most influential person in 20th-century photography? (The Guardian)
  4. The Bohemian Rhapsody of Peter Hujar (The New Yorker)
  5. Stephen Shore, Seer of the Everyday (The New York Review of Books)

That’s it for now — Thanks for looking. If you know someone who’d enjoy this post, please share it with them. And if you’re a photographer interested in showing your work with me on FlakPhoto Projects, drop me a line. Best way to reach me is by email, which is hello@flakphoto.com. Cheers! 📸



Andy Adams
FlakPhoto Projects

I’m a curator and writer in Madison, Wisconsin, USA. Among other things, I run FlakPhoto Projects, a community hub focused on conversations about photography.