So, What Is Flamelink CMS?

Jason Mill Blog
Published in
6 min readMar 16, 2023

Flamelink is the leading Headless Content Management System for Firebase.

Our world-class Firebase CMS, Flamelink, offers you maximum flexibility to create a bespoke content management dashboard or admin panel for your non-technical users and clients.

Flamelink is Headless, it’s adaptive, and it’s serverless (because it’s built on Google’s Firebase).

Flamelink easily connects to Firebase and is user-friendly and intuitive for anyone who’s ever used a CMS before.

Check out the Flamelink Explainer

Firebase is great for developers, giving them an array of tools to help them quickly build high-quality web and mobile apps.

But Firebase doesn’t have an interface that makes managing content easy for non-developers.

Flamelink bridges this gap by integrating with ANY Firebase project to give Developers a powerful tool to build a bespoke CMS for their Firebase project.

What is a Headless CMS?

A Headless CMS is a backend-only content management system that separates the content and frontend layers, allowing content editors and teams to manage their content without being locked into a specific front-end presentation layer. This is different from traditional CMSs where the content and frontend layers are rolled into one.

INTEGRATIONS: Firebase, Frontend Frameworks, & More.

How does Flamelink integrate with Firebase?

We’ve built Flamelink to seamlessly integrate with major Firebase features and products including:

Flamelink & Frontend Frameworks

Because Flamelink is headless, it gives developer & engineering teams the flexibility to build in any Firebase-supported frameworks they’re comfortable with, including:

  • iOS
  • Android
  • JavaScript
  • Flutter
  • Node.js
  • C++
  • Unity

This means that as a Firebase proficient Dev, you spend less time figuring it out and more time building cool stuff on Firebase, Flamelink, and your preferred Frontend Framework.

Integrate Flamelink with Webhooks:

Sometimes referred to as web callbacks or reverse APIs, Webhooks, is a way for applications to communicate these events that take place. In the context of Flamelink, these changes can be anything from a schema update, a newly created content entry, a deleted navigation, or a host of other events that naturally occur as you manage your content.


Flamelink offers a full feature set including everything you’d expect from a modern CMS.

These powerful features mean developers and engineering teams can get down to business building their apps and features, while Flamelink does the heavy lifting with our powerful set of features. Here’s a high-level overview of the Flamelink features. We’ll cover each of them in more depth in the coming months.

Extended Data Manager:

Flamelink’s Extended Data Manager allows you to port your existing Cloud Firestore data to Flamelink without forcing it to adhere to the pre-defined Flamelink data structures.

This flexibility allows you to supercharge the management of your data right out the gate, once you’ve mapped your Cloud Firestore data from an existing Firebase project to Flamelink.

Pick up right where you left off, now with the ease of Flamelink to manage your data.


Webhooks enable you to connect your Flamelink content to any external service available on the internet. If the service can receive an HTTP request, the webhooks feature allows you to integrate with it.

Custom Links/Extensions:

Flamelink’s adaptability and customizations are evident in our Flamelink Extensions/Custom links feature that allows you to build a bespoke Flamelink experience, for you and your team.

From creating in-app shortcuts to frequently used content types or specific entries to reporting tools for your e-commerce store. Or extending Flamelink with your own apps, to building data-rich analytics dashboards. Or creating management tools, moderation tools, customer engagement tools, etc. The adaptability and flexibility of Flamelink is second to none.

Theming & Branding:

Create a completely tailored Flamelink experience for your client and content teams by customizing the default Flamelink colors and logo to be an extension of your client’s brand.

Theming lets you customize Flamelink’s interface/dashboard’s colors, while Branding allows you to customize the logo, company name & email branding to that of your brand.


Test out your content in staging before promoting it to your live site (at the push of a button).

Or use Flamelink’s Multi-Environment feature and omnichannel capabilities to send specific content to different devices and platforms, giving each of your users a completely unique experience.


Create related content for as many multiple languages as you can think of, across multiple platforms. (You can even create your project’s navigation menus for multiple languages).

Alos includes a nifty lil’ “Compare content” feature which allows you to quickly compare the content you are editing for the selected language against other languages’ entries.


Take complete control over your content and how it gets published, by ensuring that the right content only goes live at the right time.

Build in different approval statuses or automatically transition content from draft to publish.

Flamelink’s Workflows feature allows you to create completely customized workflows depending on your project’s needs.


Our in-depth knowledge and experience of the Firebase ecosystem make us experts in all things Firebase and by extension our Flamelink CMS we built specifically for Firebase.

Our world-class support levels offered by our experienced team of Developers and Engineers will help you through anything from a simple schema or content update to more complex implementation and configuration challenges.

Standard Flamelink features include:

  • Direct Project Login: lets your users log into the project without first needing to sign-up for Flamelink
  • Multiple CMS Users: as many as you need — combine with some of our other users-related features to give you the ultimate user management experience
  • Permissions & Roles: Make sure the right people are able to edit the right stuff
  • Schemas: The building blocks of your CMS
  • Media Management: All of the tools to handle the media you’re uploading to Flamelink
  • Menu Builder: Super easy to create, drag, drop, organize, and publish the menu items for your app
  • Content Types: And pretty much any content type and format to the CMS you can think of.
  • Global Settings: Create settings that are uniform for your entire app like URLs, important SEO info, time & date formatting etc.
  • General Settings: Get a service account, add image limitations, set the default permission group etc
  • Flamelink’s Backup & Restore: Back up your most recent version of Flamelink data. Break Glass in Case of Emergency and use that to restore your precious Flamelink data.
  • Realtime Updates: Updates. Just like that. *clicks fingers.
  • SDK for Web: The official Flamelink JavaScript SDK for both the Firebase Realtime Database and Cloud Firestore
  • Unlimited App Users: No limit on how many users can access your app (thanks Firebase scaling)


Build Anything You Can think of Using Firebase and Flamelink and the (Firebase-supported) Frontend of Your Choice.

Flamelink is already being used by developers, agencies, corporate enterprises and their content teams around the world for:

  • PWA’s, iOS and Android apps,
  • AR and VR platforms,
  • Websites, Blogs and eCommerce stores,
  • Smart screens & Smart watches
  • as well as iOT, AI and Machine Learning applications, and the latest in Web3 & blockchain products and platforms.

Check out Flamelink’s Case Studies page to see more of Flamelink in Action.

So that’s Flamelink in a nutshell. Why don’t you try Flamelink today and Get Started in 4 easy steps:

  1. Sign-up
  2. Add a project
  3. Create your first schema
  4. Add content (or better yet, get your content team to start adding content)

And off you go.

Head to now and enjoy a 2-week free trial on any of our plans, on us.

Flamelink’s Interface



Jason Mill Blog

Husband. Dad. Baconthusiast. Marketing Lead @, a Firebase CMS. Writer @ Hacker Noon, The Startup & Predict on Medium. Editor @ blog.