Thank you for 10,000 Discord members

Here is our update for May 2022

Ralf Gonzo Kappe
Flame Token
Published in
2 min readJun 8, 2022


May marked the arrival of Sharecome v25. And here is what’s new:

  • You can now navigate albums from within the lightbox.
  • You can now report topics.
  • You can now block a topic from the topic page as well as from within a story.
  • Blocked users can no longer like your stories.
  • Dedicated pages for /topics/new and /topics/hot.
  • We now update story stats every time you open or navigate to a story (no need for a page reload).
  • Analytics for story views and engagements.
In Sharesome v25 we integrated Stories into Sharesome Analytics

Other minor features/improvements/fixes:

  • Promoted post views miscalculation.
  • Comment like notification sent to OP instead of the comment owner.
  • Mentions no longer open in a new tab.
  • The action menu doesn’t close after clicking on Block or Report in stories on mobile.
  • Payment method choice doesn’t persist in step 2 of the checkout modal.
  • Duplicated entries in the Likes page for visitors.
  • The “Add to story” button closes the story modal on some Android devices.
  • Clicking on chat notification doesn’t take you to the chat.
  • Blank page in Wallet > Buy Credits.
  • Ctrl/Cmd + click not opening links in a new tab on various pages.
  • The action menu doesn’t close after clicking on Block or Report in stories on mobile.
  • Server error when trying to like certain comments.
  • + other minor fixes.

We also celebrated hitting the 10,000 members mark on our Discord Server at the end of May! We would like to thank all of you for making that happen!

Official Sharesome | Flame Token Discord Server

Join our Discord Server here:

Also Sharesome is growing:

Sharesome: Monthly Active Users (MAU) May 2019–2022

The monthly active users grew from 513,000 MAUs in May 2019 to now over 1.7M MAUs in May 2022.

The average time that users spend on Sharesome is at 7:38 minutes which is around 3:00 minutes more than people spend on OnlyFans.

Do your own research, and follow Flame here:

Flame Token homepage:

Best regards

Ralf Kappe, Flame CEO & Founder



Ralf Gonzo Kappe
Flame Token

Bitcoin enthusiast. Entrepreneur and investor. Bringing blockchain and porn together.