When everything comes together…

Flame Token can become Flame Credits with our latest update

Ralf Gonzo Kappe
Flame Token
Published in
4 min readSep 27, 2022


It’s always very exciting when you work on a project for so long and finally, things start to come together. Sharesome v26 went live in July and it was one of the biggest updates we ever did.

Here’s what’s new:
- Wallet v2: we completely revamped the wallet to show you more in-depth information about the credits you spend and the ones you earn on Sharesome.
- Flame token bridge: you can finally deposit XFL on Sharesome and it will be automatically converted to Flame Credits that you can use to purchase advertising, upgrade your account to Pro, or tip content from your favorite creators.
- Sound detection for videos and gifs: some “gifs” have sound, while some videos don’t (or have an empty soundtrack). We now detect that and allow you to listen to gifs with sound, as well as appropriately mark videos without sound.
- We now keep story views stats for up to a year for analytics purposes.
- Several other minor changes.

- Unable to post a second story while in fullscreen mode.
- Several fixes to the ad system.
- In some cases, the user image appeared squeezed into stories.
- Scroll position is sometimes not maintained when going back via browser controls.
- Skip the “Insert email” step in the verification flow if the email is already verified.
- 500 error in the search results page for some users.
- Recent searches opened in a new tab.
- In some cases, it was possible to submit a Brand verification request without filling in the website.
- Verification page is broken for some users.
- Other minor fixes.

Flame Credit Wallet v2 is here

The most visible change is for sure the Flame Credit Wallet v2.

Now you can see how you spend your Flame Credits and who gave you some.

The new Flame Credits Wallet v2

The Flame Token bridge is finally here

The other big achievement ist that we finaly build the Flame Token bridge that allows everyone to send Flame Token to their Flame Credits wallet. There will always be an exchange rate. For now the exchange rate is set to 1 Flame Token = 0.5 Flame Credits.

The Flame Token bridge is live.

XFL Scan is here

It was also time to make the transation volume of Flame Credits more visible, as Flame transactions happen on-chain (Flame Token) and off-chain (Flame Credits), but only the on-chain transactions are visible through a Blockexplorer.

That’s why we build XFL Scan: https://xflscan.io/

XFL Scan v1 is online now

But we also worked on the core of what we do since 2018 and that is to build the utility for Flame Token: advertising!

At the end of August we have been crunching the advertising performance numbers on Sharesome and here are some results:

Creators: CTR (0.09%), Eng. Rate (1.61%), Avrg. F. (174), CPC ($0.22), CPM ($1.33)
Brands: CTR (0.09%), Eng. Rate (0.88%), Avrg. F. (260), CPC ($0.15), CPM ($0.22)
Verified users: CTR (n/a), Eng. Rate (2.87%), Avrg. F. (191), CPC (n/a), CPM ($1.27)

CTR = Clickthrough rate (CTR is the number of clicks that your ad receives divided by the number of times your ad is shown: clicks ÷ impressions = CTR. For example, if you had 5 clicks and 100 impressions, then your CTR would be 5%.)
Eng. Rate = Engagement rate (The number of times people engage with your post divided by the number of times your post is shown: engagements ÷ impressions = Eng. Rate. For example, if you had 2 engagements (likes, shares, comments…) and 100 impressions, then your Eng. Rate would be 2%.)
Avrg. F. = Average new follower per month (How many new followers you gain per month.)
CPC = Cost per click (Advertising campaign cost divided by the number of clicks: costs ÷ clicks = CPC. For example, if you paid $10 for a campaign and you had 50 clicks, then your CPC would be $0.20.)
CPM = Cost per thousand (Advertising campaign cost divided by the number of impressions divided by 1,000: costs ÷ (impressions ÷ 1,000). For example, if you paid $10 for a campaign and you had 10,000 impressions, then your CPM would be $1.00.)

Creators = All verified accounts that promote an OnlyFans, Camsite, Clipsite, etc.
Brands = All verified companies like Brazzers, VIXEN, Adultprime that promote their products or services.
Verified users = Verified amateurs without commercial interest.

We also compared our KPIs with our mainstream peers.

Not that you could advertise an OnlyFans profile on Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook. But even if you could, Sharesome performs best.

More info: https://sharesome.com/business/

Sharesome Promoted Post 2022 Ad Performance

Do your own research, and follow Flame here:

Flame Token homepage: https://flametoken.io/
Sharesome: https://sharesome.com/FlameToken/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/FlameToken
Discord: https://discord.gg/sharesome
Telegram: https://t.me/FlameTokenNews
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/flametoken
Medium: https://medium.com/flametoken

Best regards

Ralf Kappe, Flame CEO & Founder



Ralf Gonzo Kappe
Flame Token

Bitcoin enthusiast. Entrepreneur and investor. Bringing blockchain and porn together.