Flamingo Finance Turns 3: $3,333 USD Birthday Campaign on Zealy and Flamingo Finance 3.0 Release

Flamingo Finance
5 min readSep 25, 2023


Well, Flamingos, time flies when you’re having fun (as do flamingos — did you know that?). We’re excited to announce that Flamingo Finance has been operating for three years! And boy, has it been a blast. Keep reading to find out how you can enter into the Flamingo Finance Turns 3: $3,333 Birthday Giveaway and to learn about the all-new Flamingo Finance 3.0.

As you can see here, the very first Flamingo transaction was on September 24, 2020. And the very first FLM Mint Rush began on September 25, 2020.

Even after two Mint Rushes and three solid years of rewarding our users with great APR, our FLM liquidity pools still have high APRs such as:

  • FLP-FLM-bNEO: 33.65%
  • FLP-FLM-GM: 61.15%
  • FLP-FLM-fBNB: 42.45%
  • FLP-FLM-fWETH: 40.26%
  • Our FLM single-stake fund, FLUND: 45.96%

Check out the rest of our high-APR pools right on Flamingo Finance.

Flamingo Finance Turns 3: $3,333 Community Campaign on Zealy

Now, with the launch Flamingo Finance Version 3.0 on our 3rd Anniversary, we are thrilled to announce the Flamingo Finance Turns 3: Community Campaign on Zealy!

What an absolutely incredible journey it’s been so far over the last 3 years, and we couldn’t be more grateful for the support you’ve all shown us along the way. As a big thank you for flying with us, we’re offering $3,333.00 USD in FLM and GAS tokens to distribute amongst those who participate in the event.

But that’s not all — the Top 3 winners on the Flamingo Turns 3 Leaderboard will also receive a special Flamingo Ambassador Discord role and badge, adding some clout to your involvement on our discord and access to our ambassador channel. If any of the 1st-3rd place winners are already a Flamingo Ambassador, it will go to the next on the leaderboard.

We’ve designed this Zealy campaign to be fun and easy to participate in, and we’re really looking forward to seeing everyone take part!

For those not familiar, Zealy is a great platform that empowers Web3 communities like ours. And like our Flamingo Ambassador Program, Zealy campaigns help turn members into active contributors, fostering growth and engagement in a whole new way. With Zealy, you can climb the ranks on the leaderboard and earn nice rewards with your placement.

After the Flamingo Turns 3 campaign ends, the Flamingo team will get together and review the outcome, with the likelihood of continuing monthly Zealy campaigns going forward, depending on the results. So there’s a good chance your participation now will also help you out in the future!

How to Participate in the Flamingo Turns 3: Community Campaign

  1. Create an account on Zealy.
  2. Join the Flamingo Finance Community on Zealy.
  3. Complete quests and missions to earn XP.
  4. Aim for the top leaderboard positions.

That’s it! The more XP you accumulate, the greater your chances of securing a guaranteed FLM and GAS allocation.

Campaign Duration

This campaign will kick off on September 25, 2023 at 1:00 PM UTC and run for 30 days until October 25th, 2023 at 1:00 PM UTC.

Reward Allocation

The top 100 participants on the Flamingo Turns 3 Leaderboard will share $3,333 USD worth of FLM and GAS, distributed as follows:

1st-10th place: $88.30 USD = $44.15 in FLM and $44.15 in GAS

11th–20th Place: $65 USD = $32.50 in FLM and $32.50 in GAS

21st–30th Place: $55 USD = $27.50 in FLM and $27.50 in GAS

31st–40th Place: $45 USD = $22.50 in FLM and $22.50 in GAS

41st–50th Place: $35 USD = 17.50 in FLM and $17.50 in GAS

51st–60th Place: $20 USD = $10 in FLM and $10 in GAS

61st–70th Place: $10 USD = $5 in FLM and $5 in GAS

71st–100th Place: $5 USD = $2.50 in FLM and $2.50 in GAS

Note: Resolving any tie breakers will be settled at the end of the campaign by the Flamingo team based on various factors such as the number of tiebreakers that happen, etc.

The 1st-3rd Place winners on the leaderboard will also be awarded the exclusive Flamingo Ambassador role and badge on Flamingo’s Discord channel.

Rewards will be distributed after the 30-day campaign ends.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity; seize your position on the Flamingo Turns 3 Leaderboard now! Exclusive prizes and allocations await you.

Flamingo Finance 3.0 Launch

And as part of our third birthday, we’ve also just launched Flamingo Finance 3.0! In this update you’ll find:

  • A complete redesign of the Earn page on desktop and mobile.
  • A new Yield Farming page. All pools are now grouped by tokens to find your favorite pools easily. The page features an intuitive overview of all your locked values.
  • A new Flamingo FLUND page with better statistics and insight into your holdings.
  • A new My Earnings page that gives you an in-depth overview of what you are earning right now. The page also features an Estimated Earnings calculator that helps you calculate estimated future revenue.
  • A new Flamingo Toolbox (in Beta), starting with Multi Pay, a new tool for sending assets to multiple wallets simultaneously — perfect for airdropping tokens or paying competition rewards.
  • An improved version of the Claim Rewards popup. The claim popup now sorts pools by unclaimed value so that the pools with the most unclaimed value are always on top. You can now hide small balances to only show pools with $10 or more unclaimed. You can also now choose to show unclaimed amounts in USD or token values.

So here’s to another year of flying with the Flamingos. A whole-hearted thank you goes out to our community for sticking with us for three crazy years now. We can’t wait to see what the next year brings. We’ll see you in the pools.

Flamingo Finance is a DeFi platform built on the Neo N3 blockchain. Designed with Smart Functions for beginners to advanced cryptocurrency users, Flamingo makes DeFi easy for everyone.

Whether you want to stake in liquidity pools and earn yield, borrow crypto against your collateral, or simply trade from one token to another, Flamingo Finance is the place to be.

To stay in touch with us and keep up to date on all things Flamingo, please join us on Discord or Telegram, and connect with us on Twitter.

