GhostMarket Pool

Flamingo Finance
Flamingo Finance
Jan 18, 2022


The first-ever IDO on Flamingo was a huge success. Thank you to all who participated.

If you participated in the GhostMarket IDO and haven’t already claimed your GM tokens, you can claim them here.

After the successful IDO, we are now ready to launch a brand new pool on Flamingo: FLP-FLM-GM. The pool goes live Tuesday, January 18, 2022, at 09:00 UTC. Rewards will start Wednesday, January 19, 2022, at 09:00 UTC.

As shown in the image above, 1% of all new FLM minted will be allocated to liquidity providers for staking FLP-FLM-GM in the new pool. Reward allocation to individual users is based on their percentage of liquidity provided to the pool.



Flamingo Finance
Flamingo Finance

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