The Bridge is Back on Flamingo Finance

Flamingo Finance
2 min readSep 11, 2023


flamingo finance the bridge is back poly network

Flamingos, we want to thank you for your patience and continued support over the last two months while cross-chain functionality on Flamingo was temporarily unavailable.

We understand how frustrating it can be to lose a feature on Flamingo you once enjoyed for any amount of time, especially with no ETA on when the feature would come back.

Luckily, the Poly Network cross-chain protocol bridge is now back up and running, with no vulnerabilities to Flamingo or any assets on Flamingo.

What happened?

  • On July 2, 2023, there was an attack on Poly Network, the cross-chain bridge Flamingo utilizes for cross-chain transactions such as wrapping and unwrapping assets from one blockchain to another.
  • Moments after the hack was announced by Poly Network, we announced on Discord and X (Twitter) that we began investigating how the attack on Poly Network might have affected Flamingo or assets on Flamingo.
  • Upon our investigation, we found the hack did not affect the Neo network nor did it affect any assets on Flamingo, except that cross-chain functionality was paused by Poly Network and, therefore on Flamingo.
  • From July 2nd to September 6th, users were temporarily unable to wrap and unwrap assets cross-chain using Flamingo.
  • We continued to update our community on Discord with any information we were given, every step of the way. The work it took to resume cross-chain functionality on Flamingo was out of our hands besides from the testing we did with Flamingo before the bridge came back up.
  • On September 6, 2023, we announced on Discord and X (Twitter) that Flamingo cross-chain functionality resumed for Ethereum.
  • On September 11, 2023, we announced on Discord and X (Twitter) that Flamingo cross-chain functionality resumed for BNB Chain.

Note: Cross-chain functionality has still not resumed for Ontology network.

Once again, thank you for your patience and continued support for Flamingo. Although it took some time, we are delighted that none of our users’ assets on Flamingo were affected by the attack and are incredibly grateful to be built on one of the only blockchains that have never been attacked, Neo N3. Safety and security will forever be our number one priority.

Flamingo Finance is an easy-to-use DeFi platform built on the Neo N3 blockchain. Flamingo is designed with Smart Functions for everyone, from beginners to advanced cryptocurrency users.

To stay in touch with us and keep up to date on all things Flamingo, please join us on Discord or Telegram, and connect with us on Twitter.

