A Dish with Ancient Roots: The Heartwarming Tale of Jiaozi

The Compassionate Invention of a Healing Food

Scott Hansen
6 min readMar 17, 2024


Jiaozi (Chinese dumplings of gyoza)

In the frostbitten winters of the Eastern Han Dynasty, a tale of culinary innovation and compassion unfolded. Zhang Zhongjing, a renowned physician, returned to his ancestral village only to find his fellow citizens suffering from the harsh winter and the febrile diseases it brought. Their ears bore the brunt of the cold, many afflicted with frostbite.

Moved by their plight, Zhang sought a remedy not just to heal but to nourish. He concocted a filling of lamb, black peppers, and medicinal herbs known to promote blood flow and warmth. This mixture was then wrapped in dough skins, shaped to resemble the human ear, and boiled to create a dish that was both a treatment and a comfort.

From Medicinal Meal to Celebratory Cuisine

The humble dumpling, initially named ‘jiao’er’ or ‘tender ears’, became a symbol of healing and care. As the villagers’ health returned, so did their spirits. The practice of making these dumplings spread, and over time, they evolved into a food of celebration, especially during the Chinese New Year.

Today, jiaozi are a beloved staple, transcending their original purpose to become a symbol of family unity and prosperity. The story of their creation is a testament to the enduring power of food to comfort, heal, and bring people together.

Symbolism and Celebration: The Prosperous Embrace of Jiaozi

The jiaozi, or Chinese dumpling, symbolises reunion and good fortune

Emblems of Fortune: Jiaozi’s Golden Legacy

As the Chinese New Year approaches, families across China partake in a tradition steeped in symbolism and unity. Jiaozi, with their crescent shape, are not mere morsels of culinary delight; they are emblems of wealth and prosperity. Their resemblance to ancient Chinese gold ingots weaves them into the fabric of cultural rituals, embodying the hope for financial fortune in the year to come.

The Communal Art of Jiaozi Making

On the eve of the Lunar New Year, kitchens become hives of activity and laughter, where multiple generations gather around tables laden with dough and fillings. The act of making jiaozi is a communal ballet, with each family member playing a role in crafting the perfect dumpling. It is said that the more pleats a jiaozi has, the more prosperity it will bring, turning each pinch of the dough into a wish for the future.

Midnight Feasts and Hidden Treasures

As the clock strikes midnight, marking the arrival of the New Year, families sit down to a feast where jiaozi take center stage. Some might even conceal a clean coin within one of the dumplings, bestowing extra luck upon the finder. This shared meal is more than sustenance; it is a ritual that binds the family, reaffirming ties and celebrating the joy of togetherness³.

Jiaozi: A Culinary Bridge to the Past and Future

Through the simple act of creating and consuming jiaozi, families not only honor the traditions of their ancestors but also forge connections that will carry into the future. The dumplings serve as a delicious reminder that, while fortunes may rise and fall, the true wealth of a family lies in its bonds and shared hopes.

The Art of Jiaozi: A Tapestry of Regional Flavors

A jiaozi master demonstrates how to wrap the filling

Crafting the Perfect Pleat: A Family Legacy

In the vast expanse of China, the humble jiaozi takes on a multitude of forms, each reflecting the unique palate of its region. From the bustling streets of Beijing to the serene landscapes of Yunnan, jiaozi are a canvas for culinary expression. The northern provinces favor hearty fillings like minced pork and cabbage, seasoned with ginger and spring onions, wrapped in a dough that’s both tender and resilient. As we journey south, the fillings become more diverse, incorporating ingredients like bamboo shoots and shrimp, offering a delicate balance of texture and flavor.

The Secrets Passed Down Through Generations

The making of jiaozi is a communal affair, a time-honored tradition where knowledge is shared not through written recipes but through the hands-on experience passed down from elder to youth. In the warmth of the kitchen, grandparents teach grandchildren the art of kneading the dough to the perfect consistency, a skill that is felt rather than measured. The stories told during these sessions are as much a part of the tradition as the dumplings themselves, weaving a rich narrative of family history with each fold and pinch.

From Dough to Delicacy: The Regional Touch

Each region adds its own signature to the jiaozi, turning this simple dish into a testament to China’s diversity. In Sichuan, bold flavors reign supreme, with jiaozi filled with spicy beef and garlic chives, daring the palate with their fiery zest. In coastal regions, seafood variants emerge, with fillings of finely chopped fish and coriander, offering a fresh taste of the ocean.

The Unity of Flavor and Family

As families gather around the table, the act of making jiaozi becomes more than just preparation for a meal; it is a ritual that reinforces bonds and celebrates heritage. The laughter and chatter that fill the room are as essential as the ingredients, creating memories that are savored long after the last dumpling has been enjoyed.

Jiaozi: A Global Delicacy Rooted in Tradition

A plate of boiled jiaozi with dipping sauce

From Ancient Rituals to International Tables

The journey of jiaozi from the ancient hearths of China to the cosmopolitan tables around the world is a story of cultural exchange and culinary adaptation. These delectable dumplings have transcended geographical borders, becoming a beloved dish in various forms, from the Japanese gyoza to the Eastern European pierogi. Yet, despite their global popularity, jiaozi have retained their cultural significance, symbolizing wealth, transition, and the unity of family.

The Universal Language of Dumplings

The universal appeal of jiaozi lies in their simplicity and versatility. They are a canvas for a myriad of fillings, flavors, and cooking methods, making them adaptable to different regional tastes and dietary preferences. This adaptability has allowed jiaozi to become a staple in diverse culinary traditions, while still maintaining the essence of their origin.

Celebrating Heritage in Every Fold

As jiaozi continue to captivate palates worldwide, they carry with them the stories and traditions of Chinese culture. The act of making and sharing jiaozi remains a cherished ritual, especially during the Lunar New Year, when they are consumed to usher in prosperity and good fortune.

The Timeless Journey of Jiaozi: From Ancient China to the World

Dumplings can be made with a variety of tasty fillings, but an important aspect of the culinary experience of dumplings is the accompanying sauce.

The Dumpling That Conquered Hearts

Jiaozi, a simple dumpling that began its journey in the frosty climes of ancient China, has become a global culinary ambassador. Its story is one of humble beginnings, steeped in tradition and rich in symbolism, evolving through the ages to become a dish celebrated across continents.

Preserving Tradition in a Modern World

In today’s fast-paced world, where traditions often fade into the background, jiaozi stands as a testament to the enduring nature of cultural heritage. It remains a staple during the Lunar New Year, a symbol of prosperity, and a reminder of the bonds that tie us to our ancestors and to each other.

Jiaozi: A Culinary Bridge Across Cultures

As jiaozi continues to delight taste buds around the globe, it serves as a bridge between cultures, inviting people from all walks of life to partake in a shared experience. The act of making and eating jiaozi transcends language and cultural barriers, uniting us in the universal language of food.

The Future of Jiaozi: Embracing Change While Honoring the Past

Looking forward, jiaozi will undoubtedly continue to evolve, incorporating new flavors and techniques. Yet, its essence will remain, carrying forward the legacy of Zhang Zhongjing’s compassion and the spirit of Chinese New Year’s celebrations. Jiaozi is not just a dish; it’s a cultural icon, a connector, and a story that continues to unfold with each fold of the dough.



Scott Hansen

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