Writing a Kubernetes Operator in Python without frameworks and SDK

Flant staff
Published in
1 min readAug 9, 2019

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Currently, Go is a de facto monopoly among programming languages that people choose to create Kubernetes operators. Their preferences stem from objective reasons such as:

  1. There is a powerful framework for developing operators with Go — Operator SDK.
  2. Many Go-based applications, such as Docker and Kubernetes, have become game changers. Writing an operator in Go allows you to speak with the ecosystem in the same language.
  3. High performance of Go-based applications as well as simple mechanisms to use the concurrency right out of the box.

But what if lack of time or simply motivation prevents you from studying Go? In this article, we’ll show you how to create a solid operator using one of the most popular programming languages that almost every DevOps engineer is familiar with — Python.

Please, read the rest here.

