The Hat

Dave Cornford
Flash Fiction Challenge
1 min readFeb 10, 2015

Flash Fiction Challenge #8 inspired by: milkshake, hat, rain.

Bob was smiling. His new Jaguar was hugging the tarmac as it carved up the corners of the mountain road. Gentle rain was flicked from the windscreen by the swishing wipers.

“Slow down, Bob!” said Marion.

He didn’t reply, but there was a plaintive voice from the back seat.


“Yes, sweetie?”

“I don’t feel so good.”

Marion turned to see a green tinged grandchild huddled on the back seat.

“He’s going to be sick, Bob, slow down!”

“Do something!”

Marion was already rifling through the bag she had at her feet.

“Grandma . . .”

Marion thrust her sun hat over her shoulder just in time. It took the brunt of the onslaught.
“I told you he shouldn’t have had that milkshake,” said Bob as they stood by the side of the road.

Marion looked this way and that, and flung the hat and its contents into the scrub.

“Don’t you like your hat anymore, Grandma?”

Grab you free book from author Dave Cornford here.

The next story is inspired by: husk, ironing board, roof tile.



Dave Cornford
Flash Fiction Challenge

Writer, thinker, strategist, researcher, BBQ tong-meister. Asks really good questions.