Sing for your Supper

playing karaoke with the truth

Peculiar Julia
Published in
2 min readJul 30, 2024


Photo by Allie Reefer on Unsplash

Songs? I’ve had a few …

Do you sing in the shower? No? On car journeys or just in traffic jams? In stadiums in front of 3 billion people? To your baby? At worship? For your supper? Do you remember a time when singing was normal for you, singing and clapping and stamping your feet?

Love songs, folk songs, protest songs, primal screams …sometimes they soothe us, sometimes they pick us up and shake us. Let a song or singing or putting your hands over your ears just not to have to listen anymore be the prompt for your story. Your voice or somebody else’s — it’s time to sing the truth.

Close your eyes and listen. Use a song, or the memory of one being sung, to guide you to a story that wants to be told.


Flashbacks is looking for your tiny true stories. Prompts are optional, the truth is not. Check our Write for Us page for submission guidelines and how to become a writer.

Prompt party favours

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Peculiar Julia

Writer of poetry, prose, & the occasional rant. I feed the monsters under my bed story cake & poem pastries. What do you feed them? linktr.ee/peculiarjulia