5 Essential Apps for Intermediate German Learners: A Linguist’s Guide

@bear_in_the_dark - Growth Hackers
Flashcards apps
Published in
2 min readFeb 26, 2024

I want to share with you the top 5 apps that have been instrumental in advancing my German skills. These aren’t just tools; they’re your companions on the road to mastery.

1. Deep Dive into Grammar: Grammar Hero Metkagram

Why It’s Different: Moving past the basics means tackling German grammar head-on. Grammar Hero is designed to demystify complex grammatical structures through storytelling. By immersing yourself in engaging stories, you learn to use advanced grammar intuitively, without the rote memorization that often comes with textbook learning.

  • Perfect For: Those looking to conquer German grammar in a natural, engaging way.

👉👉👉👉 Download Metkagram App to learn German

2. Vocabulary Building: Quizlet

Why It’s Different: Quizlet goes beyond simple flashcard apps by offering a variety of learning modes, including games, quizzes, and custom flashcard sets. What sets Quizlet apart for intermediate learners is its community-driven content. You can find sets on specific topics, from B2 level vocabulary to thematic German expressions, all created by fellow learners and educators.

  • Perfect For: Expanding your vocabulary on specific topics or at your level.

3. Listening and Speaking: Speechling

Why It’s Different: Speechling focuses on honing your listening and speaking skills. You listen to native speakers and then record yourself, receiving personalized feedback from language coaches. This real-world practice is crucial for intermediate learners aiming to improve pronunciation and gain confidence in speaking.

  • Perfect For: Enhancing pronunciation and achieving fluency in speaking.

4. Reading and Comprehension: Readlang

Why It’s Different: Readlang is a web app that allows you to read German texts at your level. Click on any word you don’t know to see its translation instantly, making reading less daunting and more enjoyable. It’s an excellent tool for increasing your exposure to German in a natural context, boosting both your reading comprehension and vocabulary.

  • Perfect For: Those who want to practice reading and learn new words in context.

5. Cultural Immersion: DW Learn German

Why It’s Different: Deutsche Welle (DW) offers a comprehensive learning platform that includes videos, articles, and interactive lessons tailored to intermediate learners. What makes DW Learn German stand out is its focus on cultural immersion, providing insights into the German-speaking world that are crucial for understanding the language’s nuances.

  • Perfect For: Learners interested in cultural nuances and real-world German use.


Each of these apps addresses a different aspect of language learning, from grammar and vocabulary to speaking, listening, and cultural understanding. Integrating them into your study routine can provide a well-rounded approach to mastering German. Remember, the key to advancing in your language learning journey is consistency, curiosity, and the willingness to explore new methods. Happy learning, and here’s to your success on the path to fluency in German!



@bear_in_the_dark - Growth Hackers
Flashcards apps

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