How to Discuss Hobbies and Interests in German: Connecting with Others

@bear_in_the_dark - Growth Hackers
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Published in
3 min readFeb 12, 2024

Discussing hobbies and interests is a fantastic way to connect with others, share your passions, and learn about new activities. When conversing in German, knowing specific phrases and vocabulary related to hobbies can enrich your interactions. This guide will help you navigate conversations about hobbies and interests in German, making it easier to connect with native speakers and fellow language learners alike.

Key Vocabulary and Phrases

  • Hobby (n.) — das Hobby, die Hobbys
  • Interesse (n.) — das Interesse, die Interessen
  • sich interessieren für (v.) — to be interested in
  • Ich interessiere mich für… — I am interested in…
  • Was sind deine Hobbys? — What are your hobbies?
  • In meiner Freizeit… — In my free time…
  • Ich spiele gerne… — I like to play… (for games or sports)
  • Ich höre gerne Musik. — I like to listen to music.
  • Ich lese gerne. — I like to read.
  • Ich gehe gerne wandern. — I like to go hiking.
  • Ich reise gerne. — I like to travel.
  • Mein Lieblingsbuch/Film/Spiel ist… — My favorite book/movie/game is…

Conversation Starters

Über gemeinsame Hobbys sprechen (Talking about shared hobbies)

  • “Welche Hobbys hast du?” (What hobbies do you have?)
  • “Hast du besondere Interessen?” (Do you have any special interests?)

Neue Hobbys entdecken (Discovering new hobbies)

  • “Ich suche nach einem neuen Hobby. Hast du Vorschläge?” (I’m looking for a new hobby. Do you have any suggestions?)
  • “Wie bist du zu deinem Hobby gekommen?” (How did you get into your hobby?)

Über Sport und Aktivitäten sprechen (Talking about sports and activities)

  • “Welchen Sport treibst du gerne?” (What sport do you like to do?)
  • “Gehst du oft wandern/in den Fitnessstudio/laufen?” (Do you often go hiking/to the gym/running?)

Kulturelle Interessen teilen (Sharing cultural interests)

  • “Gehst du gerne ins Kino oder ins Theater?” (Do you like going to the movies or the theater?)
  • “Welche Art von Musik hörst du gerne?” (What kind of music do you like to listen to?)

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Tips for Engaging Conversations

  • Sei neugierig. (Be curious.) Show genuine interest in the other person’s hobbies by asking follow-up questions.
  • Teile deine Erfahrungen. (Share your experiences.) When someone mentions a hobby, share your experiences or express interest in trying it.
  • Nutze Beschreibungen. (Use descriptions.) If you’re talking about a less common hobby, describe what it involves and why you enjoy it.
  • Sei offen für Neues. (Be open to new things.) Conversations about hobbies can be a great way to learn about activities you’ve never considered before.

Engaging in Deep Conversations

Hobbies can often lead to deeper conversations about passions, dreams, and personal achievements. Use phrases like these to delve deeper:

  • “Was bedeutet dieses Hobby für dich?” (What does this hobby mean to you?)
  • “Wie hat sich dein Interesse dafür entwickelt?” (How did your interest in it develop?)
  • “Gibt es ein Hobby, das du gerne ausprobieren würdest?” (Is there a hobby you would like to try?)

Discussing hobbies and interests in German not only helps improve your language skills but also deepens your understanding of cultural nuances and personal connections. Whether you’re a seasoned speaker or just starting out, sharing your passions with others is a rewarding way to enhance your linguistic journey and build meaningful relationships.



@bear_in_the_dark - Growth Hackers
Flashcards apps

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