How to Say ‘Good Morning’ and ‘Good Night’ in German: Daily Greetings

@bear_in_the_dark - Growth Hackers
Flashcards apps
Published in
4 min readFeb 1, 2024

Hello, day-and-night German learners! 🌞🌜 Greetings are an essential part of daily communication, setting the tone for interaction. Whether you’re starting the day or winding down for the evening, knowing how to say “Good morning” and “Good night” in German can help you connect with others in a friendly and culturally appropriate manner. Let’s learn these basic yet important greetings.

To say “Good morning” in German, you use “Guten Morgen,” and for “Good night,” it’s “Gute Nacht.” Let’s expand your greeting repertoire with more phrases for different times of the day:

  1. Guten Tag! — Good day! (Used from mid-morning to early evening)
  2. Guten Abend! — Good evening!
  3. Schlaf gut! — Sleep well! (Informal way to say good night)
  4. Hab einen schönen Tag! — Have a nice day!
  5. Träum süß! — Sweet dreams!
  6. Ich wünsche dir eine gute Nacht. — I wish you a good night.
  7. Auf Wiedersehen! Bis morgen. — Goodbye! See you tomorrow.
  8. Hab einen angenehmen Abend. — Have a pleasant evening.
  9. Bis später! — See you later! (For when you’ll see each other again the same day)
  10. Mach’s gut! Bis zum nächsten Mal. — Take care! Until next time.

Using Daily Greetings in German

  • A Typical Day: Imagine you’re staying at a guesthouse in Bavaria. In the morning, as you head to breakfast, you greet the host with a cheerful, “Guten Morgen! Wie geht es Ihnen heute?” (Good morning! How are you today?). In the evening, when you return from your day’s adventures, you might say, “Guten Abend! Es war ein toller Tag.” (Good evening! It was a great day.) These simple greetings are key in fostering a friendly atmosphere.
  • Cultural Insight: In Germany, using the correct greeting for the time of day is not just polite, but also shows an awareness of social etiquette. It’s a small but significant way to show respect.
  • For Language Learners: Practice these greetings throughout your day. It’s a great way to start and end your daily German practice and helps in getting comfortable with everyday interactions.

FAQ: Daily Greetings in German

Q: Are there specific times when one should switch from saying “Guten Morgen” to “Guten Tag” or “Guten Abend”? A: Yes, typically “Guten Morgen” is used in the early morning until about 10 or 11 a.m. From then until the late afternoon or early evening (around 6 p.m.), “Guten Tag” is appropriate. “Guten Abend” is used from the early evening onwards. However, these are not strict rules, and the transition between greetings can depend on the natural light outside as well as regional customs.

Q: Can “Gute Nacht” be used as a farewell? A: “Gute Nacht” is generally used when you or the person you’re speaking with are about to go to sleep or when leaving a late-night event. It’s not used as a general evening farewell, for which “Guten Abend” would be too early and “Auf Wiedersehen” or “Tschüss” might be more suitable.

Cultural Insights:

  • Greetings in Germany are often accompanied by a handshake in more formal situations or among acquaintances. Among friends, a hug or a nod can suffice.
  • The choice of formal (“Sie”) or informal (“du”) address in greetings depends on your relationship with the person. In a professional setting or when addressing someone older or in a position of authority, always start with the formal address until invited to do otherwise.

Practical Usage:

  • When entering a small shop or doctor’s office, it’s polite to greet the staff or others present with a “Guten Tag” or “Guten Morgen/Abend” depending on the time of day.
  • A “Schlaf gut” or “Träum süß” is typically reserved for close family, significant others, or very good friends.

Metkagram’s Support:

  • To help you practice and perfect your pronunciation of these daily greetings, our app includes audio examples spoken by native speakers. This feature ensures you not only learn the phrases but also how to say them correctly.
  • Our cultural tips section provides insights into the nuances of using these greetings in various social contexts, helping you navigate social interactions with confidence.

Greet each part of the day in German with confidence! 🌞🌜



@bear_in_the_dark - Growth Hackers
Flashcards apps

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