Flash Pulse — April 10th, 2023

Another week in the books for your favorite time travel protocol!

Nick Mitchell
2 min readApr 11, 2023


Flashstake saw plenty of action in a few short days. Ranging from:

  • Social traction
  • More new conversations
  • Continued strategic planning

All that and more on this week’s $FLASH Pulse ↓

Growth Things

There were notable developments related to protocol growth, in terms of:

  • Wonderful ongoing partnership and AMA talks
  • Seeing a great outpouring of external content
  • Continued discussions on scaling too
  • Creative Defi usage

All in all, the energy and excitement from the GLP launch flowed straight into this week and didn’t slow down.

Dev Things

Never a dull moment on the building side either! Major time was spent:

  • Planning next strategies
  • GLP Launch Retrospective
  • Continued to push smaller bug fixes
  • The pushes never end on UI/UX upgrades
  • xToken Liquidity planning and support continued

Epic to see work going in and results coming out!

Progress Chart

The development hill continued its climb:

  • dApp UI/UX upgrades in full force
  • Next strategy/dApp plans advancing
  • Quests remain paused, but coming soon

This post-launch week was a great time to focus on what went well and plan for how to improve in the future.

This week

The action continues in the week to come:

  • Strategy Planning — Dev & Partnerships
  • Outreach, Outreach, Outreach
  • Continued UI/UX optimization
  • Think, Create, Grow Calls
  • Liquidity management

Plus, don't miss the next Flash Forward Forum this Thursday!

Roadmap Updates

“Roads? Where we’re going, we don’t need roads.”
But maybe roadmaps:

  • Planning next strategy is the prime focus
  • Actively looking at grants & accelerators beyond
  • Next dApp shifts to soon — major focus on main dApp now
  • Quests still slated for soon as well

Overall, not much change from last week — just crystalizing focus.

Weekly TLDR

  • Great time spent refining the UI/UX
  • Another big week of growth & partnerships
  • Seeing people using the dApp all over is amazing

Just a few short months ago, the below tweet laid out project blockers. The slaying commenced ever since.

For more information regarding Flashstake, please check out the website and documentation.

Also, please consider becoming a community member on Discord, and following Flashstake’s progress on Twitter!



Nick Mitchell

Web3 Project Manager | Blockzero Council | Flashstake Council