Flash Pulse — April 24th, 2023

Another week, gone in a FLASH!

Nick Mitchell
2 min readApr 24, 2023


Never a dull moment:

→ Partnership talks continued

→ Upgrades to the dApp, as usual

→ Community discussion ramped up

Check it all out in this week’s $FLASH Pulse ↓

Growth Things

Great Friday meeting capped another strong week.

Some high points:

→ Long-term partner talks

→ Great community engagement

→ Countless TG groups & protocol deep dives

Plus some epic engagement on how best to use unclaimed $FLASH:

Dev Things

Tons of continued research, plus protocol updates!

→ Next strategies

→ Flashback refills

→ Frontend upgrades

→ Early Unstake upgrades

→ Overarching dev strategy

If you missed it, check the limited time fee adjustment:

Progress Chart

→ Dev work began on next strategy

→ Work continued on UI improvements

Steady work on R&D of upcoming strategies is starting to become code. More announcements to come!

This week

→ Second wave: Early Unstaking Upgrades

→ xToken pool campaign refills

→ SC R&D — Next strategy

→ Arbitrum flashbacks

→ Launch planning

Another busy week on the docket — with continued planning and R&D everywhere.

Roadmap Updates

No macro changes to the roadmap this week.

Just continued progress on improvements & strategies!

And that’s a wrap for the week.

For more information regarding Flashstake, please check out the website and documentation.

Also, please consider becoming a community member on Discord, and following Flashstake’s progress on Twitter!



Nick Mitchell

Web3 Project Manager | Blockzero Council | Flashstake Council