Flash Pulse — March 27th, 2023

This last week was the calm before the Flashstake storm. Though the storm already began on Arbitrum’s airdrop.

Nick Mitchell
2 min readMar 28, 2023


Seems like a great time to launch a new strategy 💪

Details below on this week’s $FLASH Pulse!

Launch Prep: Growth

This week marked another heavy week of outreach and connection-building. Relating to both launch and long-term partnerships.

Plus, the Flashstake Council held a GLP Launch call with the Partner group and Discord. The recording will be shared out soon if ya missed it!

Launch Prep: Dev

The Final Countdown was playin’ all week in Slack.
Kidding. But really though.

Why, you ask? Because by the time you are reading this, it’s launch week/ Here’s what wrapped up:

  • Frontend updates for Flashbacks and GLP Launch
  • Backend/SC work
  • xToken go-live
  • QA on all of it to ship squeaky-clean code.

Plus, this weekend marked the stealth launch of Flashstake’s fresh new docs site🙌

Progress Hillchart

This week, the full development focus was on everything related to the Arbitrum GLP launch.

That is now poised for launch, as expected, on Tuesday, March 28th.

Upcoming: This Week

Here’s what's on the docket for the week:

  • $GLP Strategy Launch on Arbitrum
  • Launch support and comms
  • Think, Create, and Grow calls

Plus, a Twitter Space AMA with Arbitrum Insider coming to you live on Tuesday (Tomorrow) — keep an eye on the Flashstake and Arbitrum Insider Twitters for the full announcement!


Flashstake is on track for on-time delivery of the Arbitrum GLP strategy. Then, the plan is to shift gears to the next dApp immediately after.


  • Arbitrum GLP Strategy Launches Tuesday!
  • Never a dull moment on outreach
  • Next up, Next dApp

It’s a big week ahead for Flashstake!

For more information regarding Flashstake, please check out the website and documentation.

Also, please consider becoming a member of the community on Discord, and following Flashstake’s progress on Twitter!



Nick Mitchell

Web3 Project Manager | Blockzero Council | Flashstake Council