Flash Pulse –March 6, 2023

Nick Mitchell
Published in
2 min readMar 7, 2023

Never a dull moment in this corner of the metaverse!

Last Week in Review

Strategy & Marketing

The continued focus on BD and outreach remained consistent.

On top of this, a serious effort was put into defining not just the next step of launching Flashstake on Arbitrum, but the one after that.

While I can’t say more just yet, there is considerable excitement around the next potential dApp launch.

Product Development
Lotta stuff in the hopper dev-wise:

Ben wrapped up multiple ongoing frontend upgrades to the current dApp

Steve wrapped up bug testing and the QA process for the frontend upgrades.

Umar tackled R&D not only on the Arbitrum deployment and initial questions and initial outlines of our next dApp

More than that, though there is not yet a strategy there (coming soon), Flashstake and the FLASH token are now live on Arbitrum!

Progress Chart
Arbitrum launch in the books — first strategy coming soon

Researching & Shaping the next dApp

Layer3 Quest paused.

Coming Up This Week

  • BD Focus to continue
  • Think, Create, and Grow breakouts
  • Frontend next dApp adaptation begin
  • SC Requirement gathering for next dApp
  • Arbitrum Strategy requirements and dev work

Roadmap Updates

The next chain is well underway, with the protocol now live on Arbitrum. The first strategy for Arbitrum now becomes the primary dev focus. The next dApp remains in ‘Soon’ but there is already strategic work beginning on that front.

For more information regarding Flashstake, please check out the website and documentation. Also, please consider becoming a member of the community on Discord, and following Flashstake’s progress on Twitter!



Nick Mitchell

Web3 Project Manager | Blockzero Council | Flashstake Council