Flash Pulse — October 10, 2022

Nick Mitchell
Published in
3 min readOct 10, 2022

Happy Monday my Flashstake Friends, and welcome to another week in our wild corner of Web3.

Last Week in Review


This last week saw the launch of our SNX strategy, which represented a chance at 25% APY for a limited time. As usual, both Umar and Ben deserve tons of credit for getting everything ready to rock from a technical perspective, while Ed, Dash, and the rest of the crew put in great work to get the word out.

In other news, Umar is hard at work on addressing improvements on the backend related to theGraph, while Ben continued implementing multiple UI improvements.

Last, but not least, we are also making progress on the R&D side of our upcoming Optimism strategy, as well as a Flash Farms strategy that can be used as new Farms opportunities arise.

Strategy & Marketing

As you could probably tell from the dev side, there is a lot going on under the hood. In just a single week we talked about everything from long-term governance model, to more effective bootstrapping, to Flash skins, and improving the user journey. Most of these items are still ongoing, but it’s truly impressive to see the drive and motivation from this team, despite all the noise and FUD out there in the market.

On top of all this, we also saw progress in grant applications, as well as team budgeting & planning. It is really never a dull moment around here.

This steady progress is reflected in this week’s hillchart, with the launch of the SNX strategy (previously strategy 4), continued testing on the Convex strategy, and continued progress on our future expansion to an L2.

Coming Up This Week

  • Layer 2 Continued Planning and outreach
  • Weekly breakout sessions — including twitter and content special breakout
  • Continued strategic discussions, modeling, & voting
  • Dapp feature backlog grooming
  • Continued QA improvements

User Interviews

As usual, if you are reading this and have used the Flashstake Dapp thus far, we want to hear from you. Specifically, I want to hear from you! We figure leaping immediately leaping to an in-person interview might be scary, and that’s ok. If I am describing you, please feel free to reach out to me on Twitter or discord and we can conduct an async interview over text as well.

We had a wonderful breakout with one of our first big Flashstakers, and I felt like we learned a ton. We’d love to keep this momentum rolling with each of you as you use our product more and more!


No major updates to our minimalist roadmap from last week, we remain on track for our high-level targets in each of the three time bands.

The breakdown of our near-term priorities shakes out like this:

  • Pursuing alignment between our users, our message, and our value prop — otherwise known as product-market-fit
  • Launching on an L2
  • Launching more strategies, period
  • Scaling those strategies to sustainability — bootstrapping, grants, etc.
  • Scaling our Growth machine — from Flash Farms to Content Production, and beyond

For more information regarding Flashstake, please check out our website and documentation. Also, consider becoming a member of our community on Discord, and follow us on Twitter!



Nick Mitchell

Web3 Project Manager | Blockzero Council | Flashstake Council