Flash Pulse — October 3, 2022

Nick Mitchell
Published in
3 min readOct 3, 2022

Hello and happy Monday Flashstake faithful — time for your weekly update!

Last Week in Review

This week might have felt quiet, but there was a lot going on behind the scenes, let’s dig in.


I’ll just rattle off a few things that happened this week. First, Umar wrapped up the Convex strategy, it is now into the testing phase. Ben gave the dApp a whole host of visual and UI improvements. If you haven’t been on in a couple of days, I encourage you to check it out and report back! Additionally, Umar is well underway with Optimism research and the development of custom strategies for the Flash Farms, while Ben is hard at work getting those strategies situated on the frontend. All of this is expected to help fuel some pretty epic growth efforts on the marketing side of the house.

Strategy & Marketing

There is plenty to report over on the growth, marketing, and strategy side too. Our two new DRIs for Content and Flash Farms got to work with some breakout meetings of their own to get the operational ball rolling for their respective teams. Related to this, we also had some great discussions around a content production partnership we are pursuing, as well as multiple avenues for grant funding and outreach. Nothing super concrete on either of those, so I will keep it relatively vague, but more to come soon!

On the strategy side, we worked on two major initiatives this week. First, there was a lot of great discussion around building a sustainable bootstrapping method for new strategies. While that might sound easy, it is anything but when it comes to making something sustainable that can run in perpetuity. Alex, Dash, and the rest of the team will continue putting our heads together here this next week. The other strategic element was everyone’s favorite topic, accounting and budgeting. We are working through finalizing the team budget that was approved via snapshot voting over the summer.

Nothing but steady momentum to report on the hillchart this week. All notable initiatives saw at least some progress.

Coming Up This Week

  • Layer 2 Continued Planning and outreach
  • Weekly breakout sessions
  • Continued strategic discussions, modeling, & voting
  • Dapp feature backlog grooming
  • Continued QA improvements

User Interviews

As usual, if you are reading this and have used the Flashstake Dapp thus far, we want to hear from you. Specifically, I want to hear from you! We figure leaping immediately leaping to an in-person interview might be scary, and that’s ok. If I am describing you, please feel free to reach out to me on Twitter or discord and we can conduct an async interview over text as well.


Below you will find my minimalist product roadmap in graphical form, as well as text form. A gentle reminder, as a nimble team, these roadmaps are primarily snapshots in time. Priorities can always change and with them the roadmap.

The text breakdown of our near-term priorities shakes out like this:

  • Pursuing alignment between our users, our message, and our value prop — otherwise known as product-market-fit
  • Launching on an L2
  • Launching more strategies, period
  • Scaling those strategies to sustainability — bootstrapping, grants, etc.
  • Scaling our Growth machine — from Flash Farms to Content Production, and beyond

For more information regarding Flashstake, please check out our website and documentation. Also, consider becoming a member of our community on Discord, and follow us on Twitter!



Nick Mitchell

Web3 Project Manager | Blockzero Council | Flashstake Council