Flash Pulse — October 31, 2022

Nick Mitchell
Published in
3 min readOct 31, 2022

It’s feeling spooky out there Flash fam, let’s end the month off right… with a product update!

Last Week in Review

Oh boy. Well, y’all already saw it but last week we went live with our first (of many) strategies on Optimism. It utilizes Synthetix sUSD on AAVE to churn out some attractive and sustainable yields. Check the full tweet out here:

This launch was accompanied by a number of ongoing UI/UX fixes from Ben, and of course, all the amazing backend and smart contract work from Umar.

The third area that really shined this week, thanks to Steve, was the acceptance testing. In the interest of always improving, he has really stepped up to add a third set of talented eyes to help boost our final quality on everything that ends up in front of you.

Strategy & Marketing
Each week feels like we somehow cover more ground than the last. No idea how that is possible, but there you go.

This week, on the strategy side we focused primarily on long-term governance planning, tightening up how we discuss TVL, and finalizing the requirements for upgrading our strategy bootstrapping system.

On more of the marketing and growth side, you likely all saw a veritable flood of content, from tweet threads to graphics hit Twitter and discord. We’ve seen this bring new eyes, new energy, and great vibes to everything we do. Please give Ed a virtual pat on the back if you see him!

Still more though, we also had a few great business development and partnership meetings take place, with more to come in the near term. If you or someone you know would like to talk to our team more in-depth on Flashstake, now is definitely the time. Dash and Alex are setting meetings like madmen.

Progress Chart
Over on our hillchart, we saw a huge jump in the L2 launch, progress in the bootstrapping model, and continued adoption of Flaave.

Coming Up This Week

  • Begin bootstrapping development
  • Weekly breakout sessions
  • Continued strategic discussions
  • Backlog prioritization — as always
  • Continued user and potential user interviews — as always, please reach out if you’d like to lend us your brain for a half hour!
  • Continued QA improvements, and testing
  • The Flaave giveaway closes/closed (depending on when this goes out).


We’ve got a few updates and additions to the roadmap this week as well. Mostly, this shows the major things that have been completed recently, and a few items have now moved from ‘soon’ to ‘now.’

For more information regarding Flashstake, please check out our website and documentation. Also, consider becoming a member of our community on Discord, and follow us on Twitter!



Nick Mitchell

Web3 Project Manager | Blockzero Council | Flashstake Council