Flash Pulse — September 12, 2022

Nick Mitchell
Published in
3 min readSep 12, 2022

Hey Flashstake clan, as usual we have a lot to cover, so let’s dive in to what happened this last week.

Last Week in Review

Development — Umar and Ben were hard at work on new strategies, integrations, and frontend refactoring. Some of you might have seen the tweet below go out Friday. Long story short those wizards found a gas optimization that makes it significantly cheaper for you to perform a Flashstake. This last week also saw numerous UI/UX improvements to the Dapp, so if you have yet to perform your first Flashstake, get after it on https://app.flashstake.io/stake.

Strategy & Marketing — never a dull moment in this area either. Dash and I sat with a prominent DAO in the space to discuss partnerships early in the week. Later on, we all convened at our Friday Grow call to go over the Q4 marketing strategy and some of the structural tweaks needed to help turn us into the beast of a protocol we all know we can be. More on this soon, for sure!

And last but not least, let’s take a look at the hill chart progress for the week — Most notably, L2 progress has entered the chat. While we are currently operating solely on L1 Ethereum, we hope to change that ASAP, and have a meeting this week with the Optimism team to discuss the possibility of porting over there sooner rather than later!

Coming Up This Week

  • Continued Flashstake strategy development & testing
  • Layer 2 meetings and planning
  • Operational marketing meeting, and resourcing planning
  • Strategic discussions & council voting
  • User mapping and product planning for post-launch
  • Dapp feature backlog ranking
  • Last but not least, if you are reading this and have used the Flashstake Dapp thus far, we want to hear from you. Specifically, I want to hear from you!
    Please feel free to book a little time on my product therapy couch via the Calendly link here.

A gentle reminder, I am hoping you have used the Dapp a time or two before we hop on a call together — that will ensure we get the most out of our time together!


  • Continued feature backlog ranking
  • Secondary Strategies
  • Secondary Chains
  • Additional Grant funding
  • Partnership development

Life in the Post-Launch World

Everything leading up to the launch was about the launch. Turns out, not only does life go on afterward, but that is when the real fun begins. Thank you all for continuing to support us as this beast of a protocol scales!

Launch was only the beginning!

For more information regarding Flashstake, please check out our website and documentation. Also, consider becoming a member of our community on Discord, and follow us on Twitter!



Nick Mitchell

Web3 Project Manager | Blockzero Council | Flashstake Council