Flash Pulse — September 19, 2022

Nick Mitchell
Published in
3 min readSep 19, 2022

Yo Flashstakers, it was a big week for crypto and Flashstake last week. How big, you ask? Let’s take a look!

Last Week in Review

You likely noticed that ETH completed the merge last week. Well, as our way of celebrating such a monumental occasion, we dropped our WETH strategy on merge day! This strategy allows you to effortlessly wrap your ETH and take advantage of some sweet upfront yields. The strategy and the wrapping feature were all made possible by our awesome devs, Umar and Ben.

On top of all that, we have been working to upgrade our bug fixing workflow as well as our feature proposal and ranking workflow. I look at it as getting all the proper frameworks in place to accommodate any needed future scaling.

Strategy & Marketing
But wait, if you were thinking just launching a strategy that is already driving some impressive usage was a lot, there is always more.

We completed multiple small breakout meetings with potential partners, collaborators, and scaling opportunities. More on this as things solidify.

We also completed much of our internal Growth reformat which is aimed to lay the foundation of, just like on the product side, improved scaling, efficiency, and impact. Dash and the rest of the team are extremely excited at the marketing and growth “machine” that we are building here.

Our hill chart went straight wild this last week. Our Layer 2 discussions saw significant advancements (more on that in a bit) and we finished the development, testing, and launch of the WETH strategy (the artist formerly known as “Strategy 3”). We have also made significant progress on the Growth Machine hiring, which wasn’t even listed last week, but definitely deserves a bullet.

Coming Up This Week

  • Layer 2 meetings and planning
  • Operational marketing meetings, and resourcing planning
  • Weekly product meeting
  • Strategic discussions & council voting
  • Marketing roles fill and kick-off
  • Dapp feature backlog grooming
  • Continued Bug process improvement workflows

User Interviews

Just like last week, if you are reading this and have used the Flashstake Dapp thus far, we want to hear from you. Specifically, I want to hear from you! Please feel free to book a little time on my product therapy couch via the Calendly link here.

A gentle reminder, I am hoping you have used the Dapp a time or two before we hop on a call together — that will ensure we get the most out of our time together!


I’m going to start ending each update with our high-level roadmap. This is intended to be a near-term, forward-looking snapshot of how we prioritize things as a team for the next few months. It will not be exhaustive, nor is it intended to be taken as set in stone, but rather as a glimpse into the planning process as it evolves!

While I am still working on a simple visual to help tell this story, our main focuses, in no particular order, for the near term are:

  • Pursuing alignment between our users, our message, and our value prop — otherwise known as product-market-fit
  • Launching on an L2
  • Launching more strategies, period
  • Scaling those strategies to sustainability — bootstrapping, partnerships, grants
  • Scaling our Growth Machine — Flash Farms, Content, and beyond

For more information regarding Flashstake, please check out our website and documentation. Also, consider becoming a member of our community on Discord, and follow us on Twitter!



Nick Mitchell

Web3 Project Manager | Blockzero Council | Flashstake Council