Time Travelers Assemble: It’s Flashstake Month!

Nick Mitchell
Published in
3 min readJul 29, 2022

Let’s time travel into the future and look at everything you need to know over the next five weeks for the launch of Flashstake — the time travel of money protocol.

Hey Flashstakers, this is the moment many of you have been waiting for! Let’s talk protocol launch dates!

As many of you are aware, Flashstake is a multi-faceted project with plenty of moving pieces. The upshot here is that instead of just one single launch day you get a whole month of activity to enjoy. To us, this ensures that the moment you have your tokens you see real value in what we have built. For a deeper dive into what exactly that is, feel free to check out our documentation here.

One quick note, while these dates are more firm than ever before, sometimes unexpected things can happen. As such, these dates are subject to change but we will be doing everything we can to keep our timelines.

So what is on the horizon?

Flashmonth Week 1: July 31st — August 6th

Sunday, July 31st

  • Cryptonaut Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3 snapshot will be taken at 12:01 AM UTC.

Monday, August 1st

Please note: The snapshot for the Flash token drops has been taken already. The snapshot for Cryptonaut holders was delayed to give added chances to purchase a Cryptonaut and ensure a spot to claim and flashback earlier in the week.

Check out the Cryptonauts Tier1 & Tier2 on Opensea here, and there are still Tier3 available to mint here. The Cryptonaut snapshot will be taken on July 31st at 12:01 am UTC.

Tuesday, August 2nd

  • Tokens claimable for T2 Cryptonaut Holders via Dropzero (around 4 PM UTC)
  • Tier 2 Cryptonaut holders can access Flashbacks

Wednesday, August 3rd

  • Testnet 3 ends
  • Tokens claimable for T3 Cryptonaut Holders via Dropzero (around 4 PM UTC)
  • Tier 3 Cryptonaut holders can access Flashbacks

Thursday, August 4th

  • Tokens claimable for all remaining community members via Dropzero (around 4 PM UTC)
  • Open access to Flashback contract

Flashmonth Week 2: August 7th — August 13th

Thursday, August 11th

Flashmonth Week 3: August 14th — August 20th

Tuesday, August 16th

Flashmonth Week 4: August 21st — August 27th

Monday, August 22nd

Wednesday, August 24th

Flashmonth Week 5: August 28th — September 3rd

Monday, August 29th

  • Flashstake protocol live for the general public

Early September

  • Convex Strategy (cvxcvxCRV) Go-Live
  • Flash user incentives Go-Live for the Convex Strategy

We are so excited about what the next month will bring, and wanted to thank you all again for taking this ride with us!

If you would like more information about Flashstake, or would like to try your hand at one of our ongoing launch challenges, please check out our website and associated documentation.

We would also love to have you as an active member of our Discord and as a follower on Twitter.

Disclaimer Time: Dates are subject to change and we will be sure to update you if that happens. Additionally, the Flashback contract and associated functionality will go live on August 1st, but due to the nature of our drop sequence, Tier 1 Cryptonaut holders can access the contract first. Access to the contract will not be otherwise prohibited. Should users decide to buy tokens off the open market they would be able to perform a Flashback in this way.



Nick Mitchell

Web3 Project Manager | Blockzero Council | Flashstake Council