Here is Why Flat6Labs Demo Days Are Essential For Your Startup

Published in
3 min readMar 1, 2021
Flat6labs Tunis 4th Demo Day

No matter what stage your startup is at, Demo Days can contribute greatly to the growth of your startup, especially if you are seed-stage. Over the past years of supporting 290+ startups, we’ve seen how Flat6Labs has helped entrepreneurs take their startups to the next level by helping them showcase their solutions, teams, and giving investors an insider look into how their companies operate.

To date, Flat6Labs has hosted 44 Demo Days and continues to host them across the MENA region (Bahrain, Tunis, Cairo, Beirut) to help both its founders and regional and global investors, work hand-in-hand to bring about change in a magnitude of industries.

The Perfect Launchpad for Your Solutions

Flat6Labs Demo Days act as the perfect launchpad for innovative products and services. They are a chance for startups to showcase their solutions, how they work, what market do they target, their pricing strategies, and how they are bound to enable people and businesses to pursue more efficient workflows and lives.

Did you know that Hawaya (Formerly known as Harmonica), launched its products two weeks before demo day, and after Demo Day thousands of users signed up for the application? 1.5 years later, Harmonica was acquired by Match Group and Flat6Labs made its exit with a 16x multiple.

Exposure to A Magnitude of Regional and Global Investors

Flat6Labs Bahrain 6th Demo Day

Demo Days expose the startups to a regional and global audience of investors, who are looking forward to supporting high potential, scalable startups. Whether this Demo Day is offline or digital, you as a founder, will get the exposure you need.

Did you know that last year Flat6labs startups raised $23m+ in follow-on funding?

Pitch Perfect for Every Opportunity in The Future

Every Wednesday during our programs across MENA, Flat6Labs’ startups gather to pitch to our team and to mentors and coaches. This enables them to hone their pitching skills and perfect their pitch. This also prepares the founders of the startups to a slew of pitches to corporates, clients and customers, and of course investors. Whether your startup comes out of the Demo Day with a funding round in the works or not, is not where it ends. It is just the start for a future with many investment opportunities. Our Wednesday pitch nights work their magic!

Exposure to Untapped Early Adopters

Flat6Labs startups also get a chance to be covered by local, regional, and global media. Providing them with exposure to an untapped demographic of potential early adopters or even more investors.

If you have reached this part in the article, then you are definitely ready for our upcoming Demo Day. Join us on the 10th of March for Cairo’s 15th Demo Day by registering here.




MENA’s leading seed and early stage VC firm, and the manager of the most renowned startup programs in the region. We are Accelerating the Future.