React Native Starter

React Native Starter: from identifying market niche to first 20 customers

Philip Daineka


There is an entire market of web templates both free and premium. You must already know about it from websites like ThemeForest and Wrapbootstrap. There are also lots of free templates available in Github built with various front-end frameworks like Angular, React and Vue.

Since last few years and especially after React Native arrival we have been thinking a lot about mobile applications market and have been questioning ourselves: why web templates are so popular while mobile templates market does not exist? Well, probably the answer was that there was no common technology that allowed to build a single app for both platforms: iOS and Android.

React Native was intentionally build to solve this problem, so we decided it will be something like a Bootstrap framework for mobile applications market — an underlying technology that allowed to build all of these templates. Why not create the first mobile app template then?

We decided to check this idea with reality and starter building React Native Starter back in 2016. Due to some internal reasons, it was a very slow process and we lacked the leadership to finally ship it.

Looking from now, 2016 was obviously the best time to start occupying react native templates niche, since currently there are already some competitors like Native Base and free templates on Github.

However, I believe the mobile templates market is going to grow even larger and become at least as popular as web templates one.

So today we are happy to announce that our idea proved correct, the product is finally shipped and we have sold 20 licenses for the last 30 days! This is a very huge boost of motivation for us.

The plan is to keep working on React Native Starter, invest more time in it to provide both more design options and more components.

