Take The Quiz! Top 20 React.Js Interview Questions

Flatlogic Platform
Published in
2 min readAug 26, 2021

Finding a good Reactjs developer position, as well as finding a skillful developer can become a real challenge. Every time you apply for a job, you never know what you will have to go through. What will they ask? Where do you see you in 5 years? Take our psychological test?

Good level of English, the list of GitHub projects, what else? Probably some of them will try to measure your software skills, these are too intangible to be quantified thoroughly.

Having an impressive resume, excellent grades and a proven rap sheet may not be enough. Right of the gate, your potential employer may check your strengths and technical background knowledge. You don’t need to be a Wikipedia or a know-it-all guy, but of course, you will need to show your technical prowess and a clear understanding of development processes as well as some basic theoretical knowledge.

But don’t be anxious in advance, We’re all human, and we’re all fallible.

Just to assess your level, check your skills with our quick quiz for React developers. Flatlogic team has picked a list of the most common questions asked at interviews in 2021.

We are not doubting that you will ace this test. Summarise your knowledge and check how skillful you are. Test yourself on React interview questions.



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