Welcome to the Flatpack Democracy 2021 Campaign

Time to Take Back Politics

Will Franks 🌊
Flatpack Democracy 2021
3 min readOct 14, 2020


This post will explain the basics of Flatpack Democracy and the campaign to transform UK politics by reclaiming the council system.

First things first: we all know politics is broken. The elite runs the show and we don’t get a say in the issues that affect our lives. Democracy is broken. It’s high time to change all that.


By winning local elections as independent (non-party) community groups, who can set about transforming how the council town is run.

This has already happened in around 50 towns in the UK with amazing results.

Because when the community runs the council, they are able to get to work putting their ideas into action. They can respond to crises like pandemics, recession, poverty, inequality, and ecological collapse. And they can begin social and ecological regeneration projects that are usually blocked by bureacracy and general lack of imagination.

The process is nicknamed “Flatpack Democracy”, because in many places it’s actually very achievable when the community pulls together to make it happen. You can pick up the formula and build it yourself, like a piece of flatpack furniture. Luckily, the good folks from Frome (original pioneers of the formula), wrote a book about how to do exactly that. “A DIY guide to creating independent politics” that anybody, anywhere, can use to transform their hometown.

Now we know that this is possible, we want to see it happening everywhere.

That’s why we’ve launched a campaign to get independent community groups to run — and win! — in the thousands of local elections happening in May 2021, all around the UK.

Check out the campaign website to learn more.

We want to shift UK politics, to take it back from an irresponsible and power-hungry elite, by reclaiming thousands of local councils — as the people, for the people! Our big goal is that every council election in May 2021 is won by an independent community-led group. If we’re going to face challenges like COVID and the climate crisis, we need a proper democracy. So we’re attempting to build one — one council at a time.

Following the launch call last month:

  • People from around the country have started coming forward saying that they’re interested in starting a local campaign and becoming community councillors.
  • Others have offered their time and expertise as mentors and regional organisers. In short, we are starting to grow and we are getting organised to take back the UK council system!

Communities are waking up to their power and agency to make real changes to local politics. We hope that yours is one of them, and we want to let you know that we are here offering resources and knowledge to support you at every step of the way. We want to celebrate our success in getting this far, and look forward to the coming seasons of plotting and scheming hundreds, even thousands, of beautiful local revolutions.

Check out this video recording of our launch call:

You’ll get a download on:

  • The big picture context of this campaign
  • The global municipalism movement that’s changing politics in the UK
  • The UK pioneers of flatpack democracy
  • Our campaign plan to get this happening all over the country

We need your help to make this happen. If you’re up for getting involved in a mass movement to build real democracy, here’s how:

  1. Start or join a local campaign to reclaim your council
  2. Join your regional organising team to help communities reclaim councils across your region.
  3. Spread the word about the campaign, online (here’s our Facebook page) and offline. Get your friends and your community on board! Every connection counts.
  4. Join Trust the People’s upcoming free online course. This will give you a grounding in the skills of community organising and local democracy that will help you start a movement that will actually transform your hometown.

Big Love,

Will and the Flatpack Democracy Team

