1 million people to Pay a Blogger or 1000 pushups?

Linus Olsson
Published in
1 min readNov 25, 2011

If you’re Chuck Norris then both goals would be easy enough. If you’re Andrus, our marketing guy, then both are excellent challenges.

Here’s the backstory — when Andrus initially came up with the idea of creating a day just for the bloggers, to get their readers to show appreciation for what they do, we had a healthy dose of skepticism in our team. Would the idea take off? Would we get so much flak for suggesting that people should pay for free content that we’d never get rid of the nightmares? What if we created the day and no-one noticed?

So Andrus proposed a challenge of 1 million visitors vs 1000 pushups. For every 1000 visitors under 1 million to the website he would do one pushup. Ie. we get only 800,000 visitors he does 200 hundred and so on. Do you think he can do it?

By the way, we don’t have a good “carrot” figured out for the case we get more than 1 million visitors to payablogger.org. Any good suggestions?

Visitor numbers and pushups aside Pay a Blogger Day has been received really well. You can track all the blog coverage using Twingly’s search results for Pay a Blogger Day. Twingly is one of the companies behind the event, helping to promote it.

Oh, and the video that Andrus shot was done using Bambuser which is a great tool for live broadcasting. It’s been used A LOT right now to broadcast live coverage from the protests in Cairo, Egypt, for example.



Linus Olsson

Internet architect, building what you love. Co-founder of Flattr. Has something to say about everything, apparently.