24h live video broadcast marathon from New York

Linus Olsson
Published in
2 min readNov 1, 2011

Our friends over at Bambuser are just about to launch an interesting 24 hours New York Challenge, broadcasted live, of course. They’ve given the company chairman Hans Eriksson a mobile, some tips on what’s interesting in the Big Apple and rest of it is up to the general public.

That’s right, Hans invites everyone to get in touch, recommend places to see, things to do, people to meet, art to enjoy, bars to visit… And of course everyone else gets to see it via live video cast.

So come on! Flattr people in New York, ping Hans on his chatroom, set up a time and a street corner for a meet up, and take him to your favorite place. Bambuser team promised that he might hand out tshirts for your efforts. Wish I was there myself, I’d love to take him to the Grand Central Station (it’s a wonderful building) and challenge him at an oyster eat-off in the Grand Central Oyster Bar down in the basement :)

What’s the connection with Flattr? you might ask. Well, if you’re a Bambuser user then you can turn all your uploaded videos flattrable. And you can of course Flattr the video stream Hans will be producing from New York. So if you’re into creating video content then Bambuser might be just the answer for you.



Linus Olsson

Internet architect, building what you love. Co-founder of Flattr. Has something to say about everything, apparently.