Developer Challenge, January edition — it’s a GO!

Linus Olsson
Published in
3 min readJan 11, 2012

What better way to kick off 2012 than with a proper developer challenge? We’re inviting all software developers, hackers, code slingers to get their API hats on and mash up Flattr in a new and incredible way.

[caption id=”attachment_5799" align=”alignnone” width=”600" caption=”This iPad 2 could be yours. Keep reading!”]


Back in November we released a new and improved Flattr API v2. We’ve now rooted out the bugs, written a proper documentation so here’s the challenge:

Build something using the new Flattr API, impress us with your idea and execution and take home a top of the line iPad 2.

It’s not about just great code, we’re searching for solutions that mash up the mobile/web and Flattr in new ways, in ways that our own development team hasn’t even thought of. Capiche?

Put Flattr into World of Warcraft so we can flattr those who help us with that can’t-do-it-on-my-own quest. Whip up a face recognition software that looks for matches between Facebook accounts and Flattr users. Sky’s the limit. You could take it easy and integrate Flattr into your web/mobile/cloud software, but who wants to play it safe?

A few simple rules

* Competition ends on 12 February, 2012 (midnight, GMT).
* You must use the new Flattr API (v2) in your project.
* To enter leave a comment to this blog post with a link to where we can find your solution and who’s the person or persons behind the project. Simple.
* It’s OK to submit both brand new and existing things.
* We at Flattr love and encourage open source but your project doesn’t have to be open source for this competition.
* Team submissions are encouraged but it’s up to the team how they split the prize.
* All questions regarding technical aspects of our API to be submitted via Stack Overflow.
* API and related documentation is up on

The prizes

1st place — one top of the line 64GB iPad 2 if it’s a solo project. Two base line 16 GB iPad 2s if it’s a team effort.

Not an Apple fans? Winner can switch prize for a comparable Android tablet of their choice.

2 runner ups — Flattr tshirts and stickers


During the week after competition ends (13–19 February) our team + a few top Flattr users (Kai “SkaveRat” de Haan, Evan Schoepke, Tim Pritlove, Jürgen Geuter) will try out the solutions that have been submitted and pick the winner.

What are the judging criteria? Idea, execution, impact (what is the potential market for your solution, how disruptive it is) — but as we said before — a totally revolutionary idea might balance out mediocre technical solution, just like a solution with a huge impact could trump the fact that the idea in the first place was a very simple improvement.

We will announce the winning project and runners ups in our blog.

Launch that favorite editor and get cracking!



Linus Olsson

Internet architect, building what you love. Co-founder of Flattr. Has something to say about everything, apparently.