Flattr developer update #6 — Time to move

Linus Olsson
Published in
2 min readNov 16, 2015

Update 3: Due to christmas and new years will some of the bugs take a bit more time to solve. Others have been fixed, the Flattr-buttons are back on the profiles and various behind the scenes account issues has been solved. Should be smoother sailing in the new year to come. Happy new year!

Update 2: So most things are now working, including withdraw. A few does not, e.g. change email. Some are missing, like transaction history. We are trying to fix all issues quickly. Hope we dont’ give you a too bumpy ride.

Update: It’s time, tonight (7th dec) at 7pm CET to tomorrow morning will Flattr be down for migration to the new system.


So it’s finally time to move to our spankin new system! Within the coming weeks we will start the process of moving all users. This will mean that almost everything will change. Looks, feel, payments, features etc. As always we assume this move will be kind of rocky, so bear with us. This is a major update and change for Flattr.

Things that can be good to know:

  • There will be downtime, when will be announced on Twitter.
  • The user interface is completely new, even the logo.
  • Facebook and Twitter sign in will be removed. If you use these request a password via our password reset page.
  • You can only sign in with your email, not username.
  • Skrill will not be used anymore. Withdraws will be done as bank transfers. If you want to withdraw with Skrill now is the time to do it.
  • Some features will not be enabled from start.

For the rest of the changes we recommend you read this post.



Linus Olsson

Internet architect, building what you love. Co-founder of Flattr. Has something to say about everything, apparently.